Ms. Ditto, who’s 28 (both in age and dress size), is known for stripping down to her jiggly bits onstage and being completely fearless and comfortable in her skin. How will this translate to a fashion collaboration? She recently chatted up London's Sunday Times:
“You know, I’m a dyke — a crunchy dyke at that — so I had to weigh up whether I wanted to do something so corporate,” she says, her Southern tones at full tilt, “but it’s been a dream. I literally sketched out these shoes,” spoints her jazz flats in the air, “and they made them and flew them back to me. And I wanted to do a lot of things you’re always told not to wear if you’re big.” Like what? “Like anything with a good cut,” she laughs. So there are stretch tops, fitted jackets, acid prints and cut-off trousers — all very un-Evans. But no kaftans? “Which is a shame,” she nods. “I lurve a kaftan.”
I assumed she would have been labouring under the martyred notion that it is impossible to find anything decent to wear if you’re over a size 16, but she says not. “I don’t understand all these women who say they feel betrayed by fashion. A piece of clothing can’t talk — it can’t tell you that you can’t have it — so really, you're just telling yourself that. You make yourself the victim, because if you want clothes that bad, then make them yourself. You have to get creative if you’re fat. I’m really good at turning a belt into a necklace, and I can always find a nice pair of earrings.”
Here are some yummy preview pieces for your viewing pleasure:
