Who is that fabulous girl on this flyer? She is serving! *wink*
Hey hotnesses! This week, join me (your girl, Elle) at two (recession proof!) events, where live music will be living! This Wednesday, July 29, my favorite tall drink of water with a twist, W!LL Sheridan, is hosting Blow @ Sway with performances by Sound Wavve, Tenna Torres, & Pill! The New York Times will be in the building, and so should you. Ladies $1, Gentlemen $5, fabulousness guaranteed. RSVP at theblownyc@gmail.com. [UPDATE: THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED! sorry luvbugs]

Aaaand tomorrow, July 26, all my Jersey brethren do yourselves a favor and make your way to Dolce in Elizabeth for The Heart Gallery, a celebration of art, poetry, music and fashion! My young bruh, Mr. Rodney Rikai, is hosting, performing, and otherwise being his entertaining self. No need to be flashy, come as you are. For me of course, flashy is not an option, it's a way of life! Wine tasting all night...leave feeling right! Admission is $5...see you there!
Hugs, drugs and lots of love, Elle