In my several conversations with beautifully built, Zambian-born, Orlando, Florida-based, Kaya Chipungu, there's no doubt she'd been determined to be the best in her class, whatever form it takes. Aspiring to work for the United Nations after taking on International Relations as major in college, Chipungu noted a whole lot she intends to accomplish, especially for humanity. Very hardworking and diligently focused on her career, for the moment, the sky is now the limit. On August 28, 2010, she will be on the runway to taxi for Miss Zambia Intercultural 2010. And within that framework, overwhelming calls from Hollywood never stopped coming, and sooner than later, she will be auditioning where it rocks -- Hollywood and the City of Angels.
Tell me about yourself
I am a 27 year old philonthropist at heart and l graduated from MacMaine School of Computing in Information Technology and l intend to go to Rollins College in 2011, to pursue my studies in International Relations and Diplomacy. l was born in Zambia and l was raised in Zimbabwe where l completed my college before moving to the USA. Besides my dreams and aspirations of becoming the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and a Goodwill Ambassador, l intend to continue with my modeling career and philanthropy, because through modeling l have been able to travel around and promote human welfare and advancement as well as making humanity better through my platform PEPE, which stands for Poverty Eradication and Promoting Education.
PEPE is a project l started in February 2010, after seeing the need for change. l'm hoping that this project will be global by 2015 which is the deadline for Millenium Development Goals (MDG's). l am starting with the continent of Africa where l'm from by endowment of institutions of learning, hospitals, provision of food and basic necessities.
l am currently an Ambassador for Flame Of Ambition Organization which was founded by a very remarkable young lady, Mutinta Suuya, a young lady who has inspired me in every way. Flame Of Ambition is a true definition of Philanthropy. It is an organization that cares about the improvement of life and better living conditions in Africa. lam also an Ambassador for Monjai Foundation which was founded by a true philathropist, Yeatoe McIntosh, and she has inspired me to do better. Monjai Foundation promotes human welfare and advancement around the world. Both organizations are spreading their wings globally to cater for the needs of people world wide.
l am a member of the following organizations: Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA), Flame of Ambition, Amnesty USA, l Embrace , Raisin Orphan Awareness and Junior Chambers.
l am a volunteer for the United Nations and World Vision and its through voluntary work that l have had a burning sensation to reach out to people in need and became a Philanthropist and l hope that l will impact people around the world to be the same because we are living in a materialistic world where the less priveleged people remain at the bottom of the ladder not because they want to but because the priveleged are too blinded by material things and the true definition of Philanthropy is goodwill to fellowmen and it is what this world needs today.
l am a finalist for Miss Intercultural 2010 and a finalist for Miss Zambia International 2010. l was Miss Phototogenic 2010 and l was the first runner up for Miss Zambia USA 2010. l do a lot of fashion modeling and l love the runway.
What really inspired you into fashion and modeling?
l believe clothes tell a lot about an individual.l have always loved dressing up,redesigning my own clothes,fashion shows,runway,high fashion and the list goes on that gave me an urge to get into fashion and modeling.
Since you have been in the fashion and modeling industry, what would you say has kept you going in the business?
When you love what you are doing it becomes as easy as breathing.The very first time when you are trying to find a stepping stone you might stumble here and there but once you set your mind to it,your capabilitiy to do it best is unquestionable. Determination, dedication and diligence have kept me going.
Let’s talk about Miss Zambia. You were Miss Zambia Finalist for Intercultural 2010. What was your experience like facing the panel of judges and organizers of the show in the heat of the contest?
Yes l'm Miss Zambia Finalist for Miss Intercultural 2010. It will be held August 28, 2010. My anticipation levels keep rising as we draw near, l am excited and lm looking forward to a great show.
You recently made a trip for a show in Washington D.C. Tell me about that show.
It was Miss Africa USA 2010,I had a lot of fun and it was a learninng experience for me as well. l had the opportunity to meet different designers from all over Africa and l met a lot of new people.
Did you ever think you’d see the day when you’d audition for big events like the trip to D.C?
Not at all, l never thought in a million years l would be auditioning for anything besides my dream of going for an interview to work for the United Nations as the Secretary-General of the United Nations. But my life took a different toll altogether. l love auditioning and l love what l am doing and my dream of becoming the United Nations Secretary-General is still a dream that will become a reality.
What keeps you busy in your leisure time?
l love to write poetry and l read a lot of books. l watch a lot of documentaries. l hangout a lot with my colleagues to discuss issues of the day in the fashion and modelling industry. l also love to travel.
What books and magazines have you been reading? Tell me about it.
l am reading "A Long Walk to Freedom" which is about the life of former South African President, the great Nelson Mandela. l have read this book so many times but everytime l pick it up to read it again, l get a whole different insight. l just finished reading "The Audacity to Hope," by President Barack Obama which is about thoughts on reclaiming the American dream, calling for a return to America's original ideals. I read all kinds of literatures and magazines. l got to have my Vogue, In Style, Essence and numerous others to keep me posted with new trends on designers, models and the fashion world.
In fashion, who is your favorite designer?
Coco Chanel is my favorite designer. She greatly influenced the fashion industry by her classy sophisticated designs. When fashion meets class the sense of sophistication is very distinct. It's that artistic side that brings a material to life making it chic, couture and classy; and Coco Chanel's designs tend to awaken my fashion buds everytime l see them.
I’m quite sure you love to cook. What’s your favorite dish?
Yes l love to cook a lot. My favourite dish is oxtails with my traditional dish Nshima made from corn meal. l can cook anything, though.
I’m also sure you eat out every now and then. What’s your favorite restaurant?
My favorite restaurant is Chez Vincent, a French Cuisine with the best food in Orlando.
Your wish for upcoming models and if they should be in your shoes, what would you tell them?
Believe in yourself and never take no for an answer. If you can dream it you can just do it .Do not get caught up in the snare of loosing the true sense of who you are and your self worth because the fashion world is not an easy world as it seems to be. You have to work hard to get in and harder to stay in. Always be your best at all times because you never know when your lucky day would come; as the old saying goes, "every dog has its day." Everyday is runway, everyday is a fashion show for a model; that's the life of a model. Lastly, just do it after all, you have one life to live!