Ndebele woman around ankles of a woman. The Ndebele people are African tribes located in South Africa and Zimbabwe, sometimes known as Matabele. (Undate). Image: Denny Allen/Gallo Images

People of the Samburu tribe. Samburu District is a district in Rift Valley Province, Kenya. ca.1983. Image:Panoramic Images.

Bopende tribesmen of the Western Congo wearing popeyed masks and costumes of fiber performing ancient ritual dances during initiation of boys into their tribal society. ca. 1951. Image: Eliot Elisofon.

Typical Vicotorian dress (12 meter material) and hats. Influence of 19th century German missionaries' wives. Yearly procession through the town. Red Flag Herero gather in traditional dress to remember fallen chiefs (killed in battles with Nama and Germans). The Herero and Namaqua Genocide is considered to have been the first genocide of the 20th century. It took place between 1904 and 1907 in German South-West Africa (modern day Namibia), during the scramble for Africa. (Undated). Image: Frans Lemmens/The Image Bank.

Northern Namibia, Himba tribeswomen in traditional clothing. October 2007, The Himba are an ethnic group of about 20,000 to 50,000 people, living in northern Namibia, in the Kunene region (formerly Kaokoland). They are a nomadic, pastoral people, closely related to the Herero, and speak the same language. Date: October 2007. Location: Northern Namibia. Image: Wonderlust Industries/The Mage Bank.