Afro Rock: Ozo, Osibisa, Assagai, Hugh Masekela, Matata, and a cast of Afro sensation that invaded London in the 70s. Does this make sense to you? Well, if you can't figure it out, just don't worry about it. It all means you weren't around during the hippie years. In this exclusive interview with Ozo band leader, Keni Saint George, he talks about a whole lot of stuff - life in London, the way of the world, Barack Obama's presidency and many more. Excerpts:
EHIRIM: Before we proceed, how about some history, humble beginnings and things like that?
KENI: Humble beginning? Hardly. It was indeed a very boisterous, purpose driven, well-to-do Royal family. I come from a lineage of Royals and a well groomed family unit. My Father, Chief George Ozuloke, was a Court Judge for all of 18 years. He was both a Christian and Animist. He had 7 wives of which my mother was the first. I went to St. Martins Primary School and later to a wonderful School – Abbot Secondary Grammar School in Ihiala, my town. I even did a stint in Ihiala Seminary trying to be a Catholic Priest. I did not find the route to Heaven as most of our teachers (Priests) were corpse (meat) eaters. I was disgusted even at that age, what humanity does to the Animal Kingdom.
My childhood was absolutely fantastic and because of Daddy’s job as a Court Judge, we had a good education. Surprisingly, in a sea of conservatives, he was a complete departure from the norm – A committed socialist. Of course compared to an average person in my town, at the time, he was quite well off.
EHIRIM: What inspired your trip to England and how did it all began?
KENI: Oh! Gosh, my father had decided to give all the children a free reign in deciding our future careers. He reasoned that, that way he would not be responsible for any failure. Most of the boys took to Ukrainian Universities (USSR) as mainly Doctors and Engineers. I took to my first love – Big Ocean Merchant Ship Captain-ship. I became an apprentice or officer trainee in some of Nigeria’s Ships: MV ORANYAN, MV NNAMDI AZIKIWE, MV AHMADU BELLO and MV KING JAJA.
I was always so brilliant at it, that every British Captain I served under, recommended me for the Nigerian Navy – Submarine Warfare. We usually ended up doing theory or what was termed MAR COURSE – (MID APPRENTICESHIP RELEASE COURSE) at PLYMOUTH SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY (DEPARTMENT OF MARINE NAVIGATION) UK. We are talking of the NIGERIA BIAFRAN WAR period – 1967 – 1970.
Because of Nigerian Government’s Pogrom on my Igbo, Jewish tribe, aided by Britain, Russia, Egypt, I opted out of even returning to serve the Nigerian Government since 1970. I have been living in the UK ever since – political asylum.
EHIRIM: Tell me about your early London years.
KENI: Now, Ambrose, you are taking me down a fantastic memory Lane, decorated with novel Idioms, Perspectives, new mental and spiritual dimensions that did irreversible changes. The era of the magical Lennon – McCartney -George Harrison - Ringo Starr – The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, U2, Joe Cocker, T. Rex, The Troggs, Small Faces, Led Zepellin, Black Sabbath, The Who, my Mentor, Tony Benn (Lord) MP, Paul Rogers’ Free, Jethro Tull, King Crimson, Quintessence, Tom Jones, Elton John, John Cleese, Prince Charles, Pink Floyd, Eric Burden and The Animals, Madelin Belle, Shirley Bassey, Eric Clapton, Engelbert Humperdink, Val Doonican, Jeff Beck, Ginger Baker, Manfred Mann, Spencer Davis Group, Muff and Stevie Winwood, Richard ‘Virgin’ Branston, Donovan, Chris Blackwell of Island Records, George Best (Man United), Bill Shankley of Liverpool, John Peel, Vietnam, Biafra, Mandela, Jimi Hendrix, Gurus From India, Buddhism, Hare Krishna etc. Man, it was the most beautiful part of my present life on planet Earth.
There were pockets of racism, of course, and the difficult part was accommodation because of racism. I would apply for a flat, phone and rush to the address, only for the flat to have been taken, within thirty minutes of my inquiry. It happened so often. I should have seen the notices pasted on the walls – “No Blacks, Dogs or Irish”. Oh! poor Irish. I love them. How could I hate the country that gave us U2 /BONO of planet Earth?
I did menial jobs, usually washing plates in restaurants and hotels to sustain myself. I was awfully lonely in England. I started going to East Sheen Buddhist Temple, Surrey, part of the Thai Embassy –learning Tantric and Transcendental Meditation. Usually met those wonderful, beautiful duo, John Lennon of Biafra and Yoko Ono and George Harrison in the Buddhist Lectures. I also hung around Apple records (The Beatles).
In the midst of that spiritual/cultural acrobatics, I ended up a Postman along Euston/Kings Cross/West End axis. Used to deliver tons of Cassettes and Vinyl’s to an address – The King of DJ’s in The United Kingdom – John Peel of BBC Radio 1. I did ask how I could become a Pop Musician and he advised that I put an advert in the Melody Maker – that was how I got Chubby (Guyana) Percussion, Hugh Ashton (English) Bass, Derek Mandl (English) Guitars, Lin Val MacDonald (Jamaica), drums, Denny (English) Fire Eating White Vodoo Man, Helen Denniston (English), Vocals, Beth Kustra (Hungary) Vocals, Martin Abrahams (Jew) Guitars, Franz Koch (German) Sax - Danta Band around 1974. A most unbelievable Live Act in the UK in the 70’s. Osibisa and Assagai could never touch us on stage. Chubby and I used to do some incredible Energy Dance. Ambrose, I’m getting wet around my eyes, reminiscing, reliving my Hippie Years. We were actually ‘hippies’ in the real sense. The magical odyssey I went through with Chubby and the Legendary Danta and later, OZO, was really magical
EHIRIM: What would you do differently now if you should go back to the London years?
KENI: The one thing I would do differently would be avoiding concerts by Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath – you were likely to be offered LSD tablets free and you go off your brain for about four days. That is all. I loved London and my crowd – Osibisa, Assagai, Hugh Masekela, Aswad, Thin Lizzy, Errol Brown’s Hot Chocolate, the Legendary Micky Most, Dusty Springfield, Status Quo (we were under same management – Chris Morrison). Loved my Sputnik Hair Style and weird flowery robes. It prompted an old English woman to Exclaim! (After looking at me) …. “Is This England”?
England, you made me a beautiful ‘Madman’. Can you imagine a very young, crazy, talented Biafran Rock star playing for Princess Margaret (The Queen’s Sister) – Wolverhampton University. Her Royal Highness was quite enthralled by the rhythmic weirdos and wild animals making her sinews jump as she danced with gay abandon. She shook hands with us.
EHIRIM: How do you compare the music industry in Nigeria today to Seventies and Eighties era? What actually changed?
KENI: Ambrose, you could not possibly re-event the spiritual propensity, the musical experiments, the sheer energy and gift of crafting some wonderful, inspiring, ditties and being able to communicate them in a concert setting. It was like Rembrandt, the Classical Painter or Salvador Dali. Those musical crossroads of the glorious 70’s and 80’s era, must remain reference points. We were the Mad Masters of Afro Rock and proud of it. A few of us Dinosaurs of Afro Rock will hang our leads high and proud of the space we created in England in the Arts. Music in Nigeria, today? What music? These guys are really copy cats, impostors. plagiarists – they down load USA R & B tracks, put their own gibberish Lyrics, wear fake gold chains, half naked and generally speak with New York drawl to impress. Clowns all. Well, nearly all.
In a way I extol them because they have created employment for themselves in a sea of complete hopelessness. There are a few genuine, talented ones – 2Face, P. Square, Faze (I like him a lot) and a few others. Sadly there are no more real record companies – so there is a collapse of talents, Recording studios and allied infrastructure. You cannot sell them abroad – Dead. In a way, we, the monsters of Afro Rock, the masters, must put out more classical stuff in order to return to status quo. Next year my Record Company, Crimson Court Records, will embark on a talent hunt.
EHIRIM: Let’s talk about the Ozo years. How were you connected with Vernon Cummings and the rest in forming the group Ozo?
KENI: As I explained earlier, it was that Legend, John Peel, (BBC Radio1 DJ, who sent me forth into the world of music – Danta Band, which my pal Chubby was a member. John Peel always recorded which ever band I came up with on BBC Radio 1 sessions. He made me popular with his fans. One of my bands … The Dalai Lama did a heavy Afro Rock Track… ‘Spirits of the living dead’ and I became awfully quite popular in England.
BBC Radio 1 was a cult Radio Station in a Conservative Establishment setting. John Peel turned it into an Anti Establishment Bastion. How can BBC of the Queen’s Realm, play songs by those Anarchists Band… Johnny Rotten and Co., who sang songs about blowing up the Queen of England. John Peel, the legend. Who else will broadcast to the planet that his wife’s name was ‘PIG’. He invited me severally to his East Anglican home. I never had the time to take him up. We were very close, though. We were Kings of the concert circuit in Britain – supporting John Cleese (Comedian) in Skunthorpe, Elton John in Round House, Chalk Farm (London). And we did so many gigs with Status Quo. The most memorable being a concert in Cardiff University, where we blew away Quo, an established Rock outfit. After that wild show, about twenty female students stormed our dressing room, as was the case in many shows we did, and we had to sign autographs on their breasts (forgive me, Ambrose, just being naughty here). The noise from, the Ovation accorded to Ozo is still pulsating in my ear drums now. As East enders use to say.. “We was magic”. In deed we were. Danta, as my brother Chubby narrated, was on Epic Label. We released two Singles – “Queen of Sheba”, my ditty, and “Free way” by Eddie Grant of the Equals, who produced. Band broke up – bad management. I went off to sea again. This time it was Ghana’s Flagship, MV Upper Volta as Chief Officer, plying Japan, China and Far East.
Returned and put together, remnants of the defunct Danta and new members to form Ozo. The first Hit was ‘Listen to the Buddha’ in the USA and had we a more focused management, “Anambra River” could have made it as well. It was a ditty by Chubby. I put in the Buddhist Mantra of “OM MANI PADMI HOM”. It was like a mystical, spiritual River, so I gave it the name of a River that runs through my town – River Anambra. Ozo could not hold together and I formed a purely Avant-garde underground Jazz ensemble – Dalai Lama. Some really Hot South African Musicians – Themba Matebesi – Jo’burg, on Guitars, Andre Abrahamse – Cape Town, Bass, the greatest alto Saxophonist the veteran, George Lee of Liberia. Costas Georgiou, Greek Cypriot, Lead Guitar, Jim – Darwin, Australia, Drums, a beautiful, black, female singer, Donny, from the Bronx, New York. Those guys could hammer Jazz. I learnt a lot, man, from those Cats. Highest point was when that American Legend, Prince, joined us on stage for a Jam at the Speakeasy Club, London. Dalai Lama moved to record Album tracks for Island Records. The title was to be… ‘Nimzo Witch’ .
EHIRIM: Cummings acknowledged Ozo made a remarkable success touring Europe after the release of “Listen to the Buddha”. What followed “Listen to the Buddha”?
KENI: Well, let me think what really followed after that utterly, spiritual, legendary “Listen to the Buddha” Album. On analysis, musically, I quickly came to a sober reflection and conclusion, that all we needed was a hit record, a massive one. It did not come, so we put out “Museum of Mankind” Album (DJM Records). It came to top Ten in many countries in South America, particularly, Nicaragua, where it was a huge hit on “Guerilla/Revolutionary” Radio Stations (like Radio Vinceremos) according to Billboard Reviews. It was quirky, Spacey, and unbelievably Jazzy, a kind of precursor to Early New Orleans Jazz construction.
Don’t mind me being technical. Now I know that the early Jazz came from my Noble Tribe of Igbo – Biafrans. I did not have any Jazz training. Igbo Music Structure is Simply Jazz.
From then on, I put in lots of time with Krishna Monks by Oxford Street and later to Rainham, Essex, which I was frequenting and perfecting Song Writing Skills and Record Production with Hare Krishna Monks. Ambrose, my dear brother, I have taken production to a new personal height – Cosmic Level. As an adept at Meditation – the totally awesome medium, which is the ultimate vehicle for Astral Travel, I transported on to the Dark side of the Moon during the Mix of the new Album, “The Letter ‘O’ for Obama (The Chain is Broken)”. I had to create a Space Ambiance into every Track – put the Ambiance of the Universe into the Songs. I may be Nominated for an Award or two for “The Letter ‘O’ for Obama (The Chain is Broken)”. An American music critic reviewed this Album, thus… “A mystical, ethereal, surreal and sonorous sound scape with a beautiful, synchretic coloration”. It is about right.
EHIRIM: What’s going on now? You said “The Search for Keni Saint George has ended”. Should we count on your word?
KENI: I reached “the Peak of Mount Everest”, metaphorically or Spiritual Enlightenment, in the Spring of 1994, soon after my Animal Rights Protest, in Trafalgar Square, London. A lot of new philosophies, new vistas, perspectives, revelations and notions, suddenly crystallized like… “Meat is Murder, Spiritually”. “The Universe (or Environment) is God and God is the Universe”. “That Heaven is a state of Spiritual Enlightenment, not a place, therefore it does not exist”. And finally, “That life is a Grand Illusion, Love being an instrument to be cherished – it is the only currency you need into Astral”.
Now, with all these before you, you have got to initiate bold strategies to confront them head on – Activism, yet again because the world is a failed state.
Will now register an Animal Rights NGO- “Rights Avenue of Man and Animals”. It is going to be managed by a personality I have been privileged to meet, my adopted daughter – MS Se-ember Tughgba, a Building Engineer, Dynamic, Natural African Woman, Intelligent, Caring, responsible and my very Effective Deputy of TRANSFORMATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL NORMS, TEN, NGO. An environmentalist must not be a meat (corpse) eater.
TEN NGO is Embarking on a very Serious Anti Climate Change Activity to repair Nasarawa State of Nigeria, partnering His Excellency, Governor Alhaji Tanko Al-Makura. We are going to plant 5 million seedlings of Jatropha – the Diesel producing magic plant to create employment, engage the farmers who will plant them. Then the production of Bio – Diesel for clean Energy – fighting climate change by moving away from crude oil – which is one of the causes of Global Warming and Climate Change through its production of Green House Gases (GHG’s)...POISONS
Alternatives to Firewood provision and massive sensitization with Nasarawa women. The best way to Worship and give Praises to God is to be “An Environmentalist and a Spiritual Vegetarian."
I truly mean it that the search for Keni Saint – George has ended. Of course. Through the very brilliant Music CD … “The Letter ‘O’ for Obama (The Chain is Broken)”. I will be more than visible. My books … (a) “Death of a Planet, How the Universe Began” and (b) “Religion in Harmony for National Unity- The Rihanu Concept – all being published this year and next year. Plus the fact that I have made peace with the political vultures – have not joined them, though.
EHIRIM: I was deeply touched in your note to me when you wrote: “Just tell my darling family and particularly my Princess Hannah Zainab Saint George, that Daddy ‘Okro Soup’ is alive but under security harassment because of my activism and Tuareg garb. “ How do you expect Hannah to react to this after missing you all these years?”
KENI: Ambrose, I am very happy my children are not here with me. It would have been an unmitigated disaster. You see, Nigerian Security Agents suspected me of being, first, a CIA agent, then they said I was the Jewish MOSSAD Agent. Then they came up that I was Gaddafi’s cousin, since I look like him and tie the same Tuareg head scarf. Then they changed me to a Sudanese Fundamentalist. Then yet again, I was promoted to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Waziristan and all other hellish STANS. And finally, and here it really got very dangerous… my promotion to being a member of Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda.
Ambrose, it was like that 70’s movie… “NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET.” I was arrested seven times and after a thorough investigation by the SSS, I was finally exonerated and apology rendered to me. This is reminiscent of the ordeal suffered by that famous musician… CAT STEPHENS OF ENGLAND, WHEN HE BECAME A MUSLIM. But the family must know that I love them. They must realize that it was the constant thoughts about them that helped me weather the storm. My Nobel Laureate, Wole Soyinka (Activist), in an interview narrated the dangers of opposing the maximum Dictators that have been ruling and oppressing the people. Those dangers included – Acid Throwing to Disfigure, tracking your family to overseas addresses and doing harm to them. I am, of course, very happy indeed that they are relatively safe in England while I was holed up in the War front. And with the latest bomb blasts in the United Nations Buildings and all over the country before that, I feel alright that they are safe. There is yet another Perspective in the Horror – Kidnapping. I don’t think that I can survive the trauma of any of my daughters or me being kidnapped, with a ransom. These criminals do rape female victims, as well. No, I will be with them soon, now that I have made a truce with the vultures. I will say no more.
EHIRIM: What was the reason behind your isolation?
KENI: “The greatest enemy to a tyrant is surely an Activist”. There are many other hot potatoes as well, apart from the narrative I have just given. This area will be left unexplored for my safety. But suffice it to say that my writings of protestations and Activities have not gone down well with these guys at all. In 1982 (London), I was in touch with two Arab Governments, Libya and Saudi Arabia, to solicit for funds for a charity concert I was organizing – “Children of Palestine Relief Fund”
Naively, I sent Telegrams to that wonderful Revolutionary, Col. Muamma Gaddafi of Libya (my personal friend), and King Fahad of Saudi Arabia. Not knowing the implications – that the switch boards of the oversea Telegrams were manned by M15 personnel (Secret Service of UK) and a contingent of Mossad (Israeli Secret Service). Sure, they sent my Telegrams, but they also noted my phone number and Essex Address. Within a space of 3 days, two Embassy outriders delivered messages from the Libyan Embassy, to go and see Mr. Naji Abuziriba (First Secretary) and the other, an official of the Saudi Arabian, Embassy. Yes, Col. Gaddafi and King Fahad pledged the £500,000 to cover the Royal Albert concert. But that was when my Odyssey began.
I was trailed by Mossad (Israeli Agents) from my house in Essex to London, every day. They disorientated my house girl into letting them in to ‘repair’ my water tank in the Artic – as men from the Water Board I never reported any water problem. They planted microphones all over my house. Then, the midnight phone calls began – always threatening that “that concert must not hold”. Prior to all these, I had already written to my Mentor, Inspirer, the Rt. Hon. Tony Wedgwood Benn of my escapades for Palestine. I also wrote to the Prime Minister – Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, Sir, Keith Joseph, Jew and Minister of Education then, I wrote to Sir, Sieff of Marks and Spencer fame. Finally I wrote to the Princess Royal, Princess Anne, who was the President of Save the Children Fund (UNICEF, UK). I lodged a letter at No. 13 Green Street, London, W1 - office of the Palestine Liberation Organization. From that office I was also trailed to my house by a female Mossad agent.
I wrote to my mentor, Lord Tony Benn about my predicament. My wife was distraught by it all. Lord Benn reassured me to go on. In the end Security Sweepers removed all of 12 spy microphones from my house and the concert was called off. That was a brief interlude in the life of a Nigerian immigrant Activist in London – Keni Saint – George of Ozo. I was not alone in fighting for Palestine. My Mentor, Lord Benn MP, took it up. MS Vanessa Redgrave (Actress) and Rodger Waters, the brilliant Guitarist with Pink Floyd, did and by his interview with Aljazeera television, he is still at it.
Oh! Yes I am a Jew and will always defend my people. But here, Israel is out of order. Their treatment of the helpless Palestinians is wrong. It was, in deed, one of the reasons Osama Bin Laden bombed the New York Towers – 9/11. Obama having zapped Osama, must lean hard on the Israelis to agree to a Palestinian nationhood. It is their inalienable Right in the eyes of God. I well know that God does not play a role in the Middle East politics. United Nations must do more here through a very serious diplomacy instead of bombing Gaddafi for Libya’s oil. I beg my friends and brothers, Hamas, to cease bombing Israel and recognize the Right of Israel to exist in any peace table, so that we all come to Palestine to celebrate your hard earned Independence. Obama’s second Term ought to see to that.
Over here, I campaigned for the release of Maj-Hamza Al-Mustapha, former Chief Security Officer to the Late Military Dictator- Gen. Sani Abacha. He has been in detention for 12 years now. Here, there was a consortium of willing Assassins hired by some ex-military Rulers and politicians. I escaped to the Desert North. This one was more dangerous in that a gun was fired in a case of mistaken identity. They even went to press about the death of Ozo Music Star, shot dead in Lagos. There I was reading in several newspapers about my own death.
Ambrose, Nwa Nnem, you can now deduce my problems here. I don’t want to go to Environmental wars I have wedged with these guys. I’ll stop here. A cat with Nine Lives, with the Shining Armor of Gautama Buddha.
EHIRIM: What was your relationship with British MP Tony Benn like?
KENI: “Of all my experiences, tribulations and elation in life, all my high points and low points from childhood to this hour, three distinct personalities have so molded me, Spiritually, Socially and Politically – Lord Gautama Tathagata Buddha of the Universe. Tony Benn (Lord) of the British Realm, a quite, uniquely, humble Aristocrat of the first order, a Noble, quintessential, highly sophisticated and brilliant, intelligent, philosopher and a humanitarian of Christ like principles. He is dynamic, a repository of world history, overtly spiritual, inspiring, humane, visionary, lover of Racial Equality and the divine gift and ability to identify and support the under-dog, the under privileged, pious, godly and politically correct in the eyes of the living God – the Universe. “Can you imagine an Aristocrat, a Lord of the British Realm coming from the House of Parliament to give Saint George a moral boost and support in Trafalgar Square, where I displayed freshly murdered cows in coffins opposite live cattle- “MEAT IS MURDER” Animal Rights protest 1994. I then repeated that in BBC 2 television and in front of BBC complex at White City. 1992 I kicked off with MacDonald Burger is Murder, in the same Trafalgar Square. A Meditation Vigil in front of Saint Martin’s Church by Saint Martins – in – the – Field. A letter of permission secured for me by Lord Tony Benn. Now, you know why I love this my SPIRITUAL TWIN AND MY ALTER EGO. An astounding liberal Aristocrat. Is this extra ordinary human being not in the same mold as Aristotle, Socrates, Leo Tolstoy and Kierkegaard?” Through Lord Benn, I picked up a life long Maxim: “SALUS POPULI SUPREMA LEX ESTO” (Let the welfare of the people be the final law)… Roman Cicero.
He is a rare genius, overwhelmingly intelligent, conspicuously eloquent with the Audacity and Sagacity of oratorical propensity, I love this Spirit and would gladly die for him and so would many Blacks in racist Britain.
I say no more. I miss Mama Caroline Benn. The third influence in my life, of course, was my Socialist Father, Chief George Ozuloke, of Oluoha Royal House hold, Ihiala, Biafra, Nigeria.
EHIRIM: Josh Benn said he had met you through his father. How did you get connected to the British Labor Party?
KENI: It was my first Labour Party Convention, I think it was in Brighton. Before then I was apolitical. There were thousands of ordinary members and his hard core Activists. When he rose to deliver a most inspiring speech, as a truly Chief ideologue of the humane Labour party, you could hear a pin drop. In between his absolutely wonderful speech, there was a thunderous Applause you could hear for kilometers. He was truly the Darling of both the Left and Right Leaning British People. I was awe struck and in an emotional trauma, I wept. The next day I joined the Labour party in my local ward in Grays, Shire of Essex.
And during his epic battle to win the Labour party’s coveted leadership battle I did my bit for him, as an Activist. But as he was getting close to defeating that amiable Dennis Healy, MP, tragedy struck. His beverage pack in his locker in the House of Parliament was tampered with and his Tea Poisoned, to the pleasure of Rupert Murdock’s Newspapers – Sun and the Racist “News of the World”. I tell you this: If Tony had died of that Poison Scare, England would have burnt. All the under dogs, the much maligned Minorities – Blacks, Irish, Gays, Activists, et al, would have burnt Britain. I know I would have led my hard core Trotskyites into war in defense of our source of Oxygen of human Rights and human Freedom. This was at a time Enoch Powell, MP, a Far Right Racist MP of Mrs. Thatcher’s Kind, was planning and advocating for mass Repatriation of all blacks and immigrants and invoking his “Rivers of Blood” speech if we were not thrown out of Britain. In came Lord Benn, in our defense. In came the ‘NAZARENE’ TO MAKE PEACE
Then I met his handsome youngest son Josh, a brilliant musician, keyboardist who joined Ozo. We did some recordings together. We recorded a beautiful ditty of his – “China Sea!” We did a video of two OZO songs – “Anambra River” and “Skintight” as narrated by our Guitarist, Olaseinde. He did not stay too long as Fleet Street Paparazzi Hound Dogs trailed him from all angles because of the Lord Tony Benn badge.
EHIRIM: How about the late J.J. Belle of the “Petshop Boys” fame? Were you close?
KENI: I was very close to Jay. As Olaseinde opined, he was simply too much, too clever with the guitar. A diminutive bundle of talent. We all (OZO) took off from Heathrow Airport to Inverness Highland Studios by the Mouth of the famous Lochness Waters, where the mythical Serpent, the Lochness monster was reputed to have been sighted in the 70’s. I have always loved Scotland. Then I discovered that I was born in Scotland in 1807… REINCARNATION.
He did a brilliant work on one of my unique songs … “Trinafour (Highland Town)” which is about my Reincarnation in the Trinafour Glenn in 1807. My name then was Ginger McBain, a sheep farmer in the Household of that famous family – my family of MacInlay Whisky Empire of Edinbrough. I had to pay pilgrimage to Trinafour, where I met the Laird of Trinafour – the patriarch. I was promised a piece of Land in the Glenn. In my will, I am to be cremated and my own URN flown to one of the peaks of the unbelievably, beautiful Trinafour Hills by a helicopter, my Ashes scattered in the howling winds while a lone piper blows a mystical serenade to escort me through the Invisible Tunnel to the other shore. Jay Jay Belle was always fascinated by it all. Bye my Jay – the Star of Ozo, the Legend. Of course his spirit returned to the Physical Realm within 49 Earth days to continue the Cosmic Journey of Redemption.
EHIRIM: On Barack Obama’s administration which you admire and gearing up for his 2012 campaign. The gist now’s Congressional Black Caucus members, once hesitant to directly challenge the leadership of the first black president, are being goaded by an angry black crowd to go after Obama’s failed leadership on jobs. What’s your take on that?
KENI: It all smacks of a Fire Brigade Mentality. They should remain staunch and loyal, as Mrs. Thatcher of England used to say – show spine. On Barack Obama, the Son of a Kenyan Student, Son of Africa, there was never any doubt and contest whether or not to campaign for him. I was literally pumped up by that lanky, beautiful man with a melodic, baritone, voice that sounds like Moses of the Old Testament, like the Sound of Tony Benn in full flow and, of course, like the graceful awesome voice of Dr. Martin Luther King and John Kennedy. He was all four rolled into one. It was an instant intellectual Love Affair just like my Love for Lord Tony Benn of Great Britain. I penned an intellectual dynamite – “Obama, Bush’s Nemesis and our Africa” in the Leadership Newspaper – July 25th, 2008. I predicted his victory. A big Northern University gave me a citation for an Honorary Degree – Doctor at Literature – D. Lit. Howzat for an Afro Rock head? (use Google and type in Abdullahi Keni Saint-George – and download a master piece.)
It all started when our last first Lady, Hajiya Turai, Yar’Adua, called for the assemblage of Nigeria’s Non Governmental Organizations in the Presidential Villa. At first, I was reluctant for fear of my constructive diatribe on the President with a Caption: “PRESIDENT, YAR’ADUA CARES NOT FOR CLIMATE CHANGE in my thesis, “Death of a Planet, How the Universe Began” …. A four Part Article in that Intellectual Leadership Newspaper. Out of over 70 NGO’s that attended only 10 NGO’S with my TEN (Transformational Environmental Norms for sustainable ECO - System) were selected for the Federal Ministry of the Environment to evaluate and quantify the amount needed for each NGO’S ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME.
I was not unduly alarmed when the Ministry’s Panel handed me a bill for $50 m US Dollars, for my NGO’s Programme – “The Role of the African Women in the Sensitization, Popularization and Implementation of clean coal/special stoves, Bio – Ethanol, Bio – Diesel (Jatropha), Gas, Wind and Electricity as Alternatives to Firewood”… FIGHTING CLIMATE CHANGE.
I quickly ran to the US Embassy for Visa to travel to the USA, to appear on “Oprah Winfrey Show” to solicit for funds. They cautioned against any trip till after the elections. 2008 I was advised to choose a candidate from the three – Mrs. Clinton, McCain or Obama and to send a letter to the candidate’s Email, alert on my intention to campaign from West Africa. I did to Obama and formed Oasis – Obama Appreciation Society in Sub-Sahara. Email oasis 1946 @yahoo. Com. We campaigned throughout West Africa at my Expense and donation from His Excellency, Alhaji Umaru Tanko Al-Makura, today the Executive Governor of Nasarawa State. In my vision I predicted Obama’s historic win and congratulated him 24 hours before the election. Even Her Excellency, the then USA Ambassador, MS Sanders, alluded to the intellectual Brilliance of Nigerians after reading my article on Barack Obama. I am proud of my contribution. Gonna do it again
OBAMA 2012
NO FEAR. HE WILL WIN. There has been a memorable bleeding of America’s Economy to execute an ideologically flawed and stupid war in the Mid-East. War without end by George Bush junior. Billions of Dollars monthly for 8 years and for what? You create ideological minefields, and a totally unintelligent foreign policy that alienated the once powerful USA. The economy collapsed and like a deck of cards, dragged down the Global Economy. Do you blame this young man, Obama? You will be stupid to. There is no magic wand on Black or job creation for now. Don’t they watch the Economic Holocaust Sweeping the planet, compounded by Climate Change Dangers. Don’t the Black Caucus members see the fires, the fires burning in Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Tunisia, my Gaddafi’s Libya, Egypt, Syria, even in the Jewish State, nay the World. American goods are far too expensive, the cars are not economical and so Japan has overpowered America and China is in hot pursuit. Hey, my Black Caucus members grow up and bear it for the world is dying, being killed by the quest for money – Capitalism and exacerbated by materialistic and soulless, Racist conservatives/Tea party of the cold blooded type. Vote for our son who has a difficult task ahead. He will turn things around. America lived in fear of her self created Frankenstein Monster – Osama. Now the blue skies have replaced the Dark Clouds of fear. Who did it? Obama Zapped Osama. Second term is deserved for this son of Africa, America, and the world. It was the Republicans who murdered the American economy, in the first place. Don’t the spineless black caucuses ever forget it.
EHIRIM: Of all the activism and worthy causes out there, what inspired you to focus on animals rights?
KENI: In my final days in East Sheen Buddhist Temple, in a Wonderful Meditation session, I came face to face with the Light Aggregate or Spirit of a Cat. For the first time, it dawned on me that all Animals have souls – Spirit. Upon reaching Enlightenment in 1994, This Maxim was revealed to me, thus … “In a senseless act of killing and flesh eating or more appropriately, corpse eating (vulture mentality), which by all account, is a spiritual derangement or madness, man suppresses in himself, unnecessarily, that positively and spiritually refined and loving instinct of “live and let live”, love, compassion and pity, which elevates and unburdens the trapped Spirit in him. So, trapped in his Odium and ignorance (believing that there is a God, in of all places, Heaven, who approves of his cow meat, ram meat, goat meat, chicken, fish, intestines, tongs, stomachs, satanic and repulsive corpse eating culture), Ugliness, wickedness, delusion and iniquity, man has created hell for himself, spiritually, psychologically and environmentally. Adverse spiritual environment is proportionally equal to adverse physical environment.
And being dangerously and religiously drugged in his psyche, man’s actions can no longer be differentiated from those of same Animals he brutally cudgels, murders and consumes. ‘He cannot make heaven, even if it exists and it exists not … Lord Buddha’. The world must save the Blue Whales now going into extinction. I implore the Animal Rights Global fraternity, which Lord Tony Benn championed, to down load a track in my ‘Obama’ Album—“Blue Whales (let them live)” to support my “RAMA” –RIGHTS AVENUE OF MAN AND ANIMALS – NGO.
EHIRIM: Anything we should know about what you’re up to, these days?
KENI: I am partnering a very progressive Governor Al-Makura of Nasarawa State to plant 5 million seedlings of the Bio – Diesel producing Jatrophic plant to start curing climate change. I pray Obama wins and helps us.
Also, Religion, man’s hopeless invention and a killer and an albatross, is now poised to break up my cherished Nigerian Nation, the most populated Black Nation in our milky way Galaxy – just like the war ravaged Sudan, now Muslim Northern Sudan and Southern Christian Sudan. The many bombs going off now and originating from Muslim North, points to that Scenario. I have set up an NGO – Rihanu… “RELIGION IN HARMONY FOR NATIONAL UNITY”. It is a Spiritual Concept to evacuate the main negative ingredients of social ANGST … Egocentrism, Ethnocentrism and Religious Centrism, with a heavy dose of skills acquisition, as compound poverty is Abroad. Email: Rihanu 2011@yahoo.com.
(The Genocide of the Igbos, Nigeria - Biafran War, 1967-1970)
Finally, I am going to touch the untouchable –campaigning vociferously, for Biafran War Reparation – BWR, globally, with a most respected Biafran and author of the Biafran Tragidy – the Rt. Honourable Ambrose Ehirim. Email: biafranwarreparation@Gmail.Com. Would this not create for me, yet again, another Danger? We shall see. Hiding and ducking again from Security Agents? “Unless the souls of the Jews, Biafran dead (two million) are assuaged, pacified, placated, the Nigerian State will continue to blunder from pillar to post until she succumbs”…