Chanel and Nia fresh from the Spanx Fall Fashion Week Preview Suite
I would like to interrupt your regularly scheduled internet zshushing to bring you this Public Service Annoucement: Spanx are your friend. Yes, you dear. Whether you are 98 pounds or 298 pounds, all of us, every last one of us, looks better in clothes when our undergarments are up to par.
This means that you've had a formal bra fitting and are wearing your correct size, that you have invested in at least one bustier, corset or all-in-one for higher breasts and a smoother tummy, and that Spanx are in your regular rotation. Even runway models like Chanel Iman and the perfectly petite Nia Long know that good undergarments are a necessary part of looking your best.
Admittedly, I'm a little obsessed with undergarments. I've had Style Tips of the Moment dedicated to them, Joanne Borgella and I bonded over them, and I wouldn't be caught dead in a formal dress, or really any dress, without my boning on. As a matter of fact, I have an all-in-one on right now under a business suit! But this is because I feel so much more confident and powerful when I know that I am firmly nipped and tucked in all the right places.
So my lovelies, banish back bubbles, erase unsightly rolls, and smooth away dimples by buying and wearing the best undergarments for your figure. It can be the difference between looking meh and looking out-of-this-world amazing!
Coffee cake kisses full of love, Elle
P.S. Fashion Week posts coming soooon!!