Picture this: a fashion-addict, fresh out of college, during a recession, searching frantically for a good job within her field, sharing a room with her little sister while dreaming of a closet all to herself! You can probably guess that this young woman is worried, amongst other things, about how she will get her next shopping fix. In comes Buffalo Exchange!
Thrift shopping has become a favorite past time of mine, so last month, a friend and I were looking for men's shoes for an upcoming wedding and decided to head to Buffalo Exchange, a store that specializes in "recycled" clothing and accessories. Shoppers can buy, sell and trade unique pieces on the spot! That's where I stumbled upon these Steve Madden beauties...
...and I fell in LOVE! After trying them on, I wanted them even more! And the price (gasp!) was a mere $20! Of course, my friend co-signed (who wouldn't?) and I walked out of the store with the best purchased I've made in a while.
So, for all the budding fashionistas out there, looking for a deal on your next fashion fix, check out Buffalo Exchange!
Visit www.buffaloexchange.com for locations.