The Japanese-inspired setting was the perfect touch to transport those of us who attended the Shigoto launch at Ninja NYC to ancient Tokyo. From the artsy serving dishes to booths surrounded by scenic rocks and trees, from bamboo fences and walkways offsetting coal black floors and walls, it was an ethnic extravaganza! The singular path in front crowded by photographers and fashion addicts was soon dotted with models sporting Shigoto.

The models were diversified in ethnicity but shared one thing in common: harem pants! Wide and spacious throughout and snug at the ankle, this trend has surfaced quite rapidly, with some success and very many failures. For Shigoto, they came is varied colors: red, white, turquoise and blue, even emblazoned with SHIGOTO in rhinestones.

Fun fact: harem pants like these were worn by Japanese construction workers centuries ago. The men accessorized the slightly baggy look with shoes that separated the big toe from the rest.

Elle and Momma
The designer, Jasper Momma, proud of his accomplishments and more than willing to share his inspiration behind the collection, tells me that he traveled to Japan to find rich, quality fabrics to make the pants with. This is the one part that is completely unlike the uniform in which it was borrowed, Momma says the construction workers pants were made of much thinner, cheaper fabric.
Best part of the night, the separated toe socks in our goodie bags!
-Reporting by Nastasia, Inaword Intern