Garbage lines the street in this Ajegunle slum in Lagos where an estimated 3 million people live.
Photo by Stephanie Giry/Boston Globe
How far is Ajegunle from Ikoyi? Apparently not that far if there are good, accessible roads, It is obvious the political elite is breathtakingly rich, and very small. Remarkably little of it trickles down. Part of this is because the super rich keep their money and spend it overseas.
Photo courtesy of Los Angeles Times
Holy Cow! A nation that is rich in oil reserves? Photo by Punch

"Home for all"? They must be kiddying me!
A Punch photo
Afternoon jump in the Ajegunle jungle as the DJ spins.
Photo courtesy of Out There.
Nosamu Street in the crime-ridden, densely populated Ajegunle of Lagos.
Photo courtesy of Vanguard.
What a life!
Photo courtesy of Punch
Yes oo! Na real rumble in the jungle.
Image courtesy of African Photos.