"We continue to urge all parties to exercise restraint...the Nigerian government should make sure the perpetrators are brought to justice...the Nigerian government should ensure that the perpetrators of acts of violence are brought to justice under the rule of law and that human rights are respected as order is restored."
Secretary of State Hilary Clinton on the carnage in Jos

"The federal government of Nigeria is not insensitive to allegations of torture and extra-judicial killings by few officers of our security agencies. That is why this administration is moving swiftly and aggressively to investigate and, where necessary, punish perpetrators...I have had a preview of the policy and I am pleased that the draft policy affirms the commitment of the federal government of Nigeria to criminalize all forms of torture including extra judicial killings... I have already clarified the terms of reference of the National Committee on Torture and I have asked that the committee immediately puts administrative and logistic measures in place to enable it begin to receive and investigate communications from Nigerians on cases of torture and extra-judicial executions...For emphasis, the committee will investigate reports from the National Human Rights Commission and local and international human rights NGOS. The documentary of Al-Jazeera and the reports of Amnesty International are relevant materials in these regards...Ultimately, we realize that these interventions will only be sustainable when we adopt a holistic view of our criminal justice system and of the reforms required. The process of reforms is ongoing...A democracy as resilient as ours must reject the false choice between our security and fundamental freedoms and this is why we cannot tolerate impunity disguised under the cloak of security or any other guise..."
Attorney General and Minister of Justice Adetokunbo Kayode on extra judicial killings in a troubled Nigeria.
Adetokumbo Kayode's photo courtesy of NEXT