They started from slaughtering my kith and kin in the early years of the republic -- beheading them, murdering pregnant women and their unborn children. A horrific event and a tragedy. They kill and brag about it and I have been weary of pointing out.
Killing their fellow human beings especially when it comes to the Christians is baked in their genes. They murder their victims -- Christians -- mercilessly in the name of radical Islam. They have never stopped being bloodthirsty even with a declaration of an "undying commitment" by the West to the security and survival of the Christians could halt the blood lust Jihadists in their quest to eliminate their victims in the most brutal way.
It has become their way of life and a sport. They believe as the satanic verses of the Holy Quoran prescribes, that what they do is the right thing to be done, ala, their heroic welcome to heaven for destroying lives and killing en masse we who they call infidels. And, in most cases, particularly in Nigeria, they walk away free of charge and praised by the "brains", the bankrollers behind the massacres for all the atrocities they unleash to innocent civilians and Southern Christians
And there is no end in sight in the cycle of violence carried out by these northern Islamic Jihadic hoodlums and nihilists. It has been their nature ever since the fabricated state called 'Nigeria' came into being, to be positively bloodthirsty.
They are mass murderers and proud of it. They have done it over and and over again without remorse. They just love it and, ironically, the world watched as it unfolded, doing practically nothing like the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Their sponsors, the cabals and caliphates run the country as if it's their own personal property -- from the military juntas to the civilian regimes. They have been untouchable with the help of their colloaborative Southern bigots.
Their goal is a "Holy War," to wipe out the "infidels" from the face of this planet. Several millions of Christians including Nd'Igbo have perished in their desire. And they will never stop, taking a look at the chronology of events since the nation's sovereignty which could be easily traced to the pre-independence era when the Founding Fathers collectively agreed to form a union of different cultures and nationalities without realizing the consequences. Had the problem been detected and made clear that coexistence was impossible and addressed appropriately like in all confederacies, perhaps 'Nigeria,' by now in 49 years of its existence, would have been stable, or probably with an intact and viable government.
Since independence, Nigeria has been disturbed by internal strife and power struggle among the three major ethnic groups and other ethnic minorities. The question here is, can Nigeria still survive as a nation under the pressure of power games, religious differences and political rivalry? How long is the country going to continue to fertilize its land with human blood? And at what cost?
The chronological list below and the tragic events that followed suggests the country is in dire need of a sense of purpose to avoid more ominous consequences.The problems the country encountered since its birth speaks clearly for itself, that no such thing as Nigeria. It is a fabrication which brings to mind the case of the Balkanization Theory which eventually came to terms with reality and endorsed by the League of Nations, though violent and series of wars, and finally a plebiscite. Nigeria is typical:
October 1, 1960: The Founding Father's vigorous fight with the colonial masters would bring along with it an independent nation; and the Northern Peoples Congress overwhelming victory would elect Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Prime Minister of the First Republic in a doctored parliamentary system devoid of who the people are and how they could have governed themselves better.
1962: A power tussle between Obafemi Awolowo's Action Group and Samuel L. Akintola's defection in alliance with the northern caliphates would result in chaos and lost of lives in the Yoruba dominated Western Region. Brothers would kill brothers, and Awo and some of his followers would serve time in federal penitentiary for treason.
May 1965: Confusions in the military -- rumors of attempted military coup by top military officers of the Nigerian Army did not hold water, dismissing it as heresay and overlooked as a mere rhetorical balderdash. But a serious stuff was in the making.
January 15, 1966: A coup was planned and foiled and the military came in wrestling power from an inept, corrupt civilian administration that was barely six years old. Major General Johnson Thomas Aguiyi-Ironsi, an Igbo, would take over the affairs of state as a result of being the most senior military officer, and the rest would be history.
May 29, 1966: On the orders of Major Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma, Ironsi would be flogged, kidnapped and dragged on the streets, and murdered in the most brutal of circumstances. The then most senior military officer in the army, Brigadier Ogundipe, a Yoruba, would be compelled to leave for London in order to pave way for the Hausa-Fulanis and their brutal Islamic Jihadists to sought Igbos wherever they could be found for a pre-meditated and diabolical act of genocide.
August-late September 1966: Anarchy, mayhem, rape of Igbo women, lynching, arson and the list goes on and on, becoming the order of the day. More casualties and more Igbo women and children were gruesomely murdered on the course of human error intended to take out the Igbo nation from the map of a concocted Nigeria.
January 4-5, 1967: Ghana's Head of State, Lt.-General Joseph Ankra would chair a meeting at Aburi, Ghana, to decide what solution would address the Nigerian conflict and determine how the mass killing of Igbos could be stopped. The meeting ended well, on a consensus, but the Nigerian vandals negated the resolution in a sudden 180-degress turn and continued apace their rounding up of Igbo people.
Nevertheless, when on January 19, 2010, the bloodbath in Jos erupted between Moslems and Christians, I had told a colleague that violence is in the blood of the northern Islamic Jihadists which has been their only strategy in place of diologue and diplomacy, and that there has not being a way to figure the whole thing out; and that it will -- predicting with certainty -- erupt again, sooner than later and knowing who these cold-blooded murderers are. After the wantom killings of January which left over 200 dead and series of others injured, Vice President Goodluck Jonathan's Office on Media and Publicity issued out a press release on January 20, 2010, guaranteeing "never gain":
“Once again, there has been an eruption in Jos, the Plateau State capital, accompanied by a most regrettable loss of lives and property. This is one crisis too many, and the Federal Government finds it most unacceptable, retrogressive, and capable of further sundering the bonds of unity in our country. The country cannot afford these constant eruptions, and while the situation has been brought under control by the security agencies, government is determined to find a permanent solution to the Jos crisis. Today, the Vice President, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, convened a meeting of security chiefs to review the situation and initiate forward processes to reign in the violence. This is in addition to the initial orders for the urgent containment of the crisis. He has further directed an urgent meeting of all key stakeholders, towards achieving lasting peace in the area..."
It wasn't even two months from that cycle of violence that spread to Bukuru and Apata area of the state before another cycle of violence erupted, and this time around, about 500 innocent civilians were feared dead.
The upshot is that, radical Islam has been the origin of all conflicts in Nigeria and until the cabals and caliphates who had thought that power is their birthright are made to know in concrete terms that Nigeria is nobody's personal property, and that the rule of law must be upheld and respected, prosecuting to the limit of the law the nihilists and hoodlums, and the cabals behind all that, what happened on Sunday, March 7, 2010 with graphic scenes of mass burial will surely happen again.
And since former President Olusegun Obasanjo lost out in his bid for a third term, and deliberately handpicked Umar Yar'Adua to succeed him fearng his political foes might be after him, and recognizing that neither carrots nor sticks nor any combination of the two can work in a fragile state like Nigeria; and now that the cabals are also losing out resorting to all kinds of games and violence to keep the presidency within their enclave which did put the country into political limbo since the ailing President Yar'Adua's condition has been permanently locked in the closet, now what?
The saga continues!