Helping USAID in its effort is an NGO called ACQUIRE – or Access, Quality and Use in Reproductive Health. Together, they are working to prevent and repair fistula, or V.V.F. It’s an abnormal opening or passageway between the birth canal and one of the internal organs, including the bladder. READ MORE>>>
Nigeria set to Launch Nigcomsat - 2 and 3
As part of Nigerian Communications Satellite's coverage expansion project, plans have reached advanced stages for the launch of NigComSat-2 and 3, according to managing director Timasaniyu Ahmed-Rufai. READ MORE>>>
W.Africa Crude-Nigeria quiet, Angolan loadings due
One trader said that premiums for West African crude have risen since October but this has more to do with the fall in Brent prices than fundamentals, since global demand for crude oil is falling. READ MORE>>>