CRUGGS?!?! Mother-effing
CRUGGS!?!? In the name of Lil Mama* WHY? Seriously, who's bright idea was it to put together the two fugliest shoes on the planet, Crocs and Uggs, dye them a vomit-inducing shade of pepto-pink, accent them with nappy lambs wool and call it a winter boot?! Oh horror of horrors Halloween hath cometh early! I would rather be strapped to a chair and forced to watch alternating episodes of Tyler Perry's "House of Payne" and Flavor Flav's "Under One Roof" while Sarah Palin whispers "maverick" over and over again in my ear in a world with no candy corn than to place one painted pinky toe in these atrociously atrocious crimes against fashion. I can't. Please excuse me while I shed a million tears.
F.U. boo!