Yes, bitches! Season 5 of the pseudo-reality dramz fest,
"The Hills", will premiere
Monday, April 6th at 10pm ET. As much as I would love to say I'm above the rich bitch shenanigans of L.C., Heidi, Audrina and nem, I will sooo be there. Or at least my Tivo will. Will Lauren and Heidi finally settle their differences (AKA push Spencer off a cliff), have a good cry and become besties again? Will Justin Bobby put together a coherent sentence? Has Brody gotten any hotter and is that even possible? Inquiring minds want to know!

Be sure to check out all the frenemies, Ferraris and fashion this season on The Hills! Can't wait until Monday? Check out
"The Hills" preview special with Lauren by clicking
Love, lipgloss and lashes, Elle