Heavyweight boxer Joe Louis puts his arm around Jesse Owens, Ohio State University track star and holder of three world's records. They were introduced during a boxing program sponsored by the Colored Elks. Washington, D.C., August 27, 1935.

Vice President Richard Nixon met with Illinois Republicans here 10/14/1958 to open a 6-day campaign tour in behald of GOP congressional candidates. With Nixon is famous track star Jesse Owens, left, now running for county commissioner. Nixon said the GOP campaign is picking up and "we have every chance to upset those who predict defeat." Date: October 14, 1958. Location: Chicago, Illinois

Jesse Owens, sensational track star of the Olympic games, waving to crowds during the "ticker-tape" parade up Manhattan in honor of the Olympic athletes. Fifty-two members of the Olympic squad, last of the 150 American athletes to return from Germany, arrived in New York, Sept. 3 on the liner Manhattan. Others of the squad who arrived last week joined them in the parade. Date: September 03, 1936.