Tell me about yourself?
My name is Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha. I hail from Iho-dimeze in Ikeduru Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria. I live in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria. I was born into the family of Mr. and Mrs. Godwin Onuoha on the 12th day of the beautiful Month of May, 1984. I attended Golden Nursery and Christopher Memorial Primary School, all in Aba, Nigeria. I did my Junior Secondary School education at St. Bridget’s College, Aba and my Senior Secondary School education at Federal Government College, Okigwe. I gained admission to study Medicine and Surgery at Imo State University and later dropped out.
I discovered while growing up that I have the passion to motivate, inspire and help people make their lives better. When I left school I went and joined my dad in his ladies footwear business at Ariaria International Market, Aba. I later left the business to pursue my passion and fulfill my God-given purpose to make a positive difference and leave a noteworthy legacy. I went into self education by reading and putting into practice the principles and truths I discover in life. The desire to make a positive impact in people’s lives made me to pay the price and go the extra mile to become an inspirational speaker, life coach and a social entrepreneur.
I work and teach people to make their lives better, this gives me joy. I write and share articles on self-improvement, leadership and other topical issues. I like networking and masterminding with great minds because I know that no one can achieve success alone and secondly, iron sharpens iron. I am grateful to God for the great people He brings my way like you, Sir Ambrose, Mr. Anyaele Sam Chiyson and others I cannot mention due to time. I am thankful to all my friends. I enjoy reading, writing, good music and enriching lives positively.
What was the motivation behind writing a book of this nature?
The motivation behind writing this book was to write a book that will humble, inspire and encourage people to arise and achieve greatness. The content will give the reader the Midas touch to lead a better life.
You said “In this day and age, there is a greater call to build your self-assurance, overcome anything that upset your applecart.” What exactly are you saying here?
Here am saying that in today’s world, to make your dream come true you must define your self-concept and understand who you really are. This helps you believe in yourself and stand firm to defeat the challenges of life that want to distort your great destiny.
As founder of Higherlife International, what is your foundation’s goal?
Our goal is to make the world a better place for all by empowering people with the right education to lead their lives and make a success of it.
How did you come up with the title of the book and what convinced you to know that it was the right choice?
The idea was clear that it will be a book that will enlighten, equip, empower, enrich and inspire people in a way that no book has done. I first titled it: "Overcoming The Challenges of our Time," but when I took it to my friend and brother, Anyaele Sam Chiyson, he read the book and said that the title needs to be changed to something more attractive for my audience. We brainstormed on names that will be right for a book of this nature and finally, we arrived at: "OVERCOMING THE CHALLENGES OF LIFE."
I was convinced it was the right choice because whoever heard of it would be compelled to purchase the book and learn how to overcome life's changes.
As a visionary leader what are your thoughts on a Nigeria that has fallen from the standards?
Nigeria is a blessed and beautiful country! One challenge we must overcome urgently is corruption because it is one factor stagnating our advancement. As a nation, we need a positive transformational leadership that will put an end to the works of those cabals that are enriching their personal purses and impoverishing our country. The betterment of our country Nigeria requires a collective effort, alone we can do so little; together we can do much more. Let us immortalize our names and make a lasting legacy by coming together to make Nigeria great again.
Did you ever think of yourself writing a book of the subject matter?
There is no way you can embark on a journey without having any destination in mind. Yes, I have to write a book on this subject because I have seen and had challenges and I overcame them. One thing I won’t fail to mention is that as I began writing, doors to greater wisdom and knowledge opened and I thank God for His favors.
What kind of audience did you target before making up your mind on the book?
The audiences were those who want to improve their lives, and I know that every positive person desires to make better his/her life.
Was the purpose of the book to teach, learn and make a difference, or was it for commercial purposes?
I have a passion and conviction to make humanity better. My purpose for writing this book is to educate, inspire and encourage people to make a positive difference and leave a lasting legacy worthy of emulation. This book teaches true leadership, defines integrity and excellence to the reader as well as positive self improvement.