Yeah, we been talking about the Oscar, you feel me? Jay "The Freak", who evolved in so many ways with some cats in Hollywood in all da costume to writing the call sheet for base weekly programs on a pilot to be determined sometime gave me his feel on what he thinks about the upcoming Academy Awards. Gave thumbs up to my homegirl, Adepero Oduye whose role as Alike in the movie "Pariah" is buzzing out there. Met again the second time and Check it out.
Adepero Oduye is my homegirl, you know that, right? She's out with a bang. I think she deserves something, even a nod - being nominated for the 2011 Spirit Awards. What's your take?
Already she gets my vote. It's hard to catch an actress on the crossroads in life and career, a place where she has to decide which way to go. Adepero Oduye is in such a spot now. On one side she's the New York girl of Nigerian parents, graduating from Columbia University to make something out of life and on the other side she's floating with fame just like that in that breakthrough. Great movie and awesome discovery of a talent.
You think she'll get a nod?
Why not? I do think she'll be considered. I mean, think about her real life story; a girl who had planned to study medicine but lost the opportunity when her father died while a junior in college leaving her with no other option, enrolling in acting classes to pursue a career in the arts. Graduating and landing small roles in films such as "Half Nelson" and some TV series including "Law & Order: Criminal Alert," she was able to connect with the Wayans and film director Rees, landing the role of Alike - saying race and sexuality should be taken away in order for one to grip with identity and about trying how to find out how to be in the world."
I did not get to see the movie. People are saying "The Help" is getting the buzz for an Oscar. What your take?
I think the producers Brunson Green, Chris Columbus and Michael Barnathan did a good job and they should deserve a nod as well in the Best Picture category. It is a funny, touching, and inspiring movie adapted by Tate Taylor, based on the novel by Kathryn Stockett
Finally, it popped up. The life of the notorious FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover. What's your take?
Believe me, you know what it is. Got to take that. The heavyweights have it together. Expect some buzz when the Dirty Harry is involved. Dustin Lance Black did great in his research and when asked why of the man's life, he told the press " he [Edgar] was incredibly promising and brilliant, so why did he become a monster? Tha's where my research began." Now I dunno!
Your take in the Best Director category
Let's see here. Very hard to predict though director Stephen Spielbergs "War Horses" might not be all that but with Spielberg, you never know. I think Alexander Payne's "The Descendants" and Michel Hazanavicius' "The Artists" are in for a long ride with any of the projected nods.