Legendary designer Valentino is known for his elegant and opulent haute couture and ready-to-wear collections, but now he's also helping us ladies find our sexy. The five steps below (via In Style's August issue) are great ways to implement a little sexy into your everyday life, while of course, remaining the lady that you are.
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And who better to begin with than the fierce fashion icon, Valentino. Look and learn my lovelies!
Five Ways for Every Woman to Look Sexy
1. "Even the most beautiful clothes can't do all the work," says Valentino. "So before anything else, you must believe you can be sexy. Every woman can."
2. "How would you like to walk? When you decide, practice how to move. Use your hips-and a mirror. Nobody does this naturally. Trust me, no one."3. "People don't want to admit they pose, but how you sit is important. Never plop down. Lower yourself onto a sofa at a slight diagonal. Of course it's deliberate, but it works!"
4. "You can't be sexy without a beautiful smile (but never show your gums) or shining, healthy hair," says the designer. "Don't trust Mother Nature. She's too busy."
5. "The way you speak can bewitch. Low, slowly, and always looking the listener right in the eye. And nothing matters more than how you say hello and goodbye."