Oh. My. God.
Wipe. Me. Down.
I have just stumbled upon FabulousFurs.com, which features some of the most hilariously God-awful faux fur disasters I've seen in some time. I'm still giggling.
Okay, first of all, why? What earthly purpose would one have for a faux fur seatbelt cover? I mean I've seen jazzed up steering wheels, which is enough of a mess, but seat belts? Good lord in the morning, no.

Faux fur leg warmers. FAUX FUR EFFING LEG WARMERS. These make my eyes hurt. Are those orthopedic shoes?!? Now my feelings are hurt.

If I see anyone with a faux fur scrunchie in their hair, I reserve the right to snatch it out, stomp on it like its on fire, pick it up and smack you with it.
No good people, your eyes do not decieve you. Those are indeed faux fur ice scrapers. WTF?!? Who is in the lab talking about "All an ice scraper really needs is a lil faux cheetah." This is so distressing. Faux fur is to be used, not abused!
I'm going somewhere to cry.