Jennifer Hudson hits the set of SATC. Ponder this: will she be playing the typical "sass talking hand on the hip" black female assistant? - Dlisted
Nike unveils sneakers made specifically for Native Americans. Adrienne Curry is pissed. - CNN.com
The newest high-end/low-end collaboration: Cynthia Rowley for Avon. - StyleWatch
Recommended Reading: Get Yours! by Amy DuBois Barnett - Clutch Mag
Oh snap! Chaka Khan, LaKiKi from American Idol, and Bebe Winans are all joining The Color Purple! - Newsday
For all my home decorator dabblers, 45 great websites for sprucing up your living space. - Real Simple
A Q&A with P. Diddy on all things Unforgivable and his "two beautiful queens." - GlamBlush