Ever since my best law school friend and total fashion inspiration, Barbara, introduced me to Anthropologie, I've been head over heels for the brand's feminine, flirty, eclectic, delicately mature vibe. My benefactor (aka my father) now knows that for Christmas I like to open up the catalog and point. So I was so excited to find out that Anthropologie is launching a brand new line called Leifsdottir. Leifsdottir. No worries, you'll get it.
Carol Han of Elle.com describes the pieces as "pretty, artsy, quirky clothes for a young, feminine customer." Oooh la la love! Leifsdottir ships on June 30 and will average you approx. $220 retail. Sure that's a tad high, but the line will hang among the designer duds at Bergdorf's, select Bloomingdale's and Nordstroms for Fall.
