Have you heard? Parisian graffiti legend Fafi recently collaborated with MAC on a collection of fun, flirty shades for Spring in perfectly collectable packaging. The standouts in this collection are definitely the lipsticks; the colors are vibrant but sheer enough for the office. With these graffiti-inspired shades, you can truly paint your face!

The collection is based around three Fafinettes (Fafi's signature doe-eyed, pouty-lipped, heart-cheeked heroines) that grace the packaging and are even available to purchase. There's Eriko, the Japanese girl who loves Paris, Ermine, the French girl who's into New York graffiti, and Monoka, who is obsessed with Tokyo and karaoke. Adorable packaging, but beware that the Fafinettes featured on the lipsticks, glosses and quads are actually stickers! Yes, stickers. (These won't last one week in my makeup bag.)

You can check out the entire collection, here and find out more at macfafi.com.

Still, MAC fans can think of them as collector's items. "There's something joyous about this collection," says James Gager, senior vice-president and creative director of M.A.C worldwide. "There was such a great use of colour on the runways, and this really comes across in Fafi's work."
adfsdfYou can check out the entire collection, here and find out more at macfafi.com.