...to high-waisted pants. My girl Ri-Ri was thisclose to being my Fab Look of Day. I mean just look at her from the waist up. The epitome of casual glamour: understated but fab accessories, gorge winged eyeliner and bronzed up cheeks, chic haircut that really plays up her face and a classic wife-beater. And can I just say that I'm in love with her main accessory, that fuzzy lil dog! I'm am SO not a dog (or any pet for that matter) person but this one, I'd love and hug and take everywhere...that is until I got bored with it and pawned it off on one of my many animal-friendly friends. But I digress...Ri-Ri was doing great until...DUN DUN DUHN!

Those pants! Those evil evil pants! They are just not flattering in the least. Let this be a lesson to us all. Just say no to high-waisted pants. High-waisted pencil skirts on the other hand, are much more wearable, but you still have to be a stick. That's all.