Last fall and winter, you couldn't throw a rock without hitting a young fashionista with short, square, and intensely dark nails. Chanel’s Noir and OPI’s Lincoln Park after Dark reached cult status and Essie's Wicked, a deeeeep burgundy color that looks almost black, became my go-to hue. Perhaps as a reaction to all that vamp, this season the edgiest shades for nails are candy-colored pastels that pop! A fun accessory to the current ultra-feminine styling, I've spotted dayglo nails on Rihanna (see below), on both Ciara and Tiffany Evans in their video for "Promise Ring", and on Juliet Darling, the Paris-esque young celebutante on ABC's Dirty Sexy Money."

What do you think? Even if you were young, dumb and didn't have a normal 9-5, would you rock candy-painted nails?