Lil Miss-guided,
What kind of fuckery is this? I have sat idly by while you brazenly wore ass-less, denim chaps, not just once but a few times this summer, spreading your horribly horrible fashion sense all over tarnation, but now I am officially pissed. Is this what you call getting gussied-up for an awards show? I have three words for you: TRAGIC TRANNY MESS. This gives me an idea for a Halloween costume this year. Thundercats, ho! You could be Cheetara and I would be Panthro so that I could nun-chuck your taste-less ass! Aren't you 19 years old? Between the hair and the makeup you could pass for 45...and three quarters. Hello?! Brooke?! Are you even listening?!?!?! Oh, never mind.
Damn you,