Kelly RoRo is looking glowy, glam and gorgeous in a shake-your-shimmy dress at the In Style Best Beauty Buys 2008 launch in London. I know I get on Mariah all the time for wearing similar ensembles: tight, short, plunging neckline. Yes, Mariah, we know we're ash and you're lotion. But Kelly can pull this look off because she's young, fun, and fabulously fresh-faced! With that skin, face and body, she should absolutely be working her angles for all they're worth! Why let Beyonce have all the fun?
Kelly is currently in the UK promoting the new-fangled edition of her “Ms. Kelly” album which will include brand new songs and has a release date of March 10th. In terms of her album promotion, I still think
desperate times call for desperate measures, but I'm rooting for you, Kels!
