Carson Kressley is pretty in pink
Okay luvies, who watched the newest makeover show to hit your telly, How to Look Good Naked? Well, it premiered this weekend on Lifetime and I must say I was, at least for 30 minutes, enthralled. Based on a British show of the same name (hosted by noted UK stylist Gok Wan), the U.S. version features Fab Five cutie-pie Carson Kressley as the resident self-help/style guru whose job is to take confidence-challenged women on a journey to self-love.
At times reminiscent of the Dove Campaign For Real Beauty, the show's main premise is to get a woman to love and appreciate her naked body. Seems simple enough but it's actually quite a concept, since we all know that even self-assured women have issues with certain parts of their anatomy. The most satisfying part is that despite a woman's measurements, there is no mention of any dieting or cosmetic procedures, but rather the emphasis is on loving (and working with) what you've got.
In the first episode, Carson took the unsuspecting young chippy from undergarments to affirmations in his quest for a complete mind/body/style transformation. It was absolutely amazing to see the difference between her perception of how her body looked to others, and what was actually the reality. All in all, this show is a great reminder that our focus should not be on what we lack but rather on what we actually have! Feel good television with practical style tips thrown in...what could be better? Unfortunately, as with many makeover shows, it's unclear how many episodes it can go on before the sugary schtick gets old.

The high-powered women of Cashmere Mafia
And while we're talking about new television shows, did anyone catch Cashmere Mafia on ABC? Besides the fact that its a dramatical chickfest all about the ups and downs of four New York career women with an onslaught of personal and professional issues, I would further suggest watching merely for aesthetic purposes. After all, the show is styled by Patricia Field of SATC fame, who in all her zaniness never ceases to provide inspiring eye candy for the fashion saavy. Tune in, dolls!