Dear FGM,
I am my own unique self. I'm creative, beautiful and fabulous.
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I really really need your help! I'm 17 and I'm a senior at my high school. I'm going to college in August and I'm very excited to leave home and make new friends and meet new boys! But first I think I need to make some serious changes. The thing is, I would describe myself as majorly unfabulous. I kind of just wake up, throw on whatever is clean, put my hair in a ponytail and go. I don't know the first thing about makeup or any of that. But I want to learn! I feel like I just kind of blend in with the crowd and I don't want to be wallflower forever. My mom is not in my life and so I'm confused about how to start, where to look, and what will work the best. I really want to step on campus feeling confident, hot and most of all, fabulous! Any help would be great! Thanks!
Thank you for your letter! This one is close to my heart. Contrary to popular belief, FGM wasn't born fabulous. I, too, had to work at becoming my glamorous self. So no worries hun, with a little help and a lot of practice, you can look absolutely glorious walking onto that college campus.
Before we begin, please know that you don't have to have it all together by August. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day. Your college years are actually the perfect time for cultivating your fabulosity. You'll meet new people, you'll learn new things and you'll grow as a person, all of which will provide you with plenty of style inspiration. In the meantime, follow these tips for finding your fabness:
Love Thyself
If I know anything, it's that fabulousness begins within. It's all about loving who you are, exactly as you are. Easier said than done, but just as you can learn calculus, you can also learn unconditional self-love. Take it day by day. Rather than focusing on your flaws, focus on what's great about you. Do positive affirmations. Start everyday by saying: 

I am my own unique self. I'm creative, beautiful and fabulous.
Everyday, I become a more confident and wonderful Janelle.
I love who I am becoming!
Be thankful for all the fabulous aspects of your life. In no time, you'll begin to exude the confidence that is the beauty secret to fabulous women everywhere.
Educate Thyself
Spend some time in the fashion/beauty/style section of your local Barnes and Noble. There are some wonderful titles out there that can give you a great education on clothes, hair and makeup. I could recommend my favorites, but when developing your personal style, I think it's important to pick books that speaks to you directly. Trust me, something will tell you that you've found the book. When this happens, buy it! (Or plant yourself down with a grande skim latte and read it cover to cover!)
Style Thyself
A great way to develop your personal style is to flip through fashion magazines and rip out the looks that you love. You can then start your very own personal style file. What's that you ask? It's a binder or notebook filled with your favorite editorial looks, whether they be pictures of a great dress, a fab hairstyle or just pure fierceness from head to toe. Perusing the pages of your style file before a shopping trip can be wonderfully inspiring. You can then aim to duplicate these looks. Target, Forever 21 and H&M have great designer duplicates for a fraction of the price. You can also bring hair and makeup pictures from your style file to a makeup counter or hairstylist and ask them to duplicate them. It's all about trying things out and taking risks. How else will you know what works for you?
Before we go on, I hate to get all Carson Kressley on you but I'm going to need you take a look in your underwear drawer. Is it full of sports bras and white cotton knickers a la Bridget Jones? If so, start your style evolution here. Treat yourself to some pretty underwear. And no, this is not about "boys." This is about you. Something about wearing beautiful underthings makes the wearer feel that much more confident and beautiful. I'm not talking lacey stringy thongs with glitter. Try comfy cotton boy shorts in a bright color, they are sure to make you feel like the pretty young thing you are.

Groom Thyself
I know it's easy to get into a ponytail rut. Get rid of this bad habit by banishing your pony at least once a week. Play with headbands or hairclips if you don't like your hair in your face. Pretty soon, you'll get used to messing with your tresses, and it will become second nature. It is a good idea to have your hair professional cut and styled at least bi-monthly. This will give you an idea of how to work your hair to its full potential. And don't forget to keep your hair looking fab-worthy by wrapping it up or putting on a silk bonnet at night.
Eyebrows, eyebrows, eyebrows. Eyebrows. Understand? Brow grooming is mayjah; it's like an instant face lift. A good waxing or threading can completely change your face, and I dare say your life! Make an appointment immediately (at a local spa, nail or hair salon)...and go every two weeks thereafter.
As for makeup, a fresh-faced teen like yourself shouldn't need much. I would stick with the trinity: mascara, blush and lip gloss. Make an appointment at a MAC counter and tell them you want a natural, everyday look. Don't feel obligated to buy anything (unless you'd like to), you're just getting a tutorial on what colors look best on your skin. You can then take what you've learned, go to your local CVS and pick up similar shades for less.
Eyebrows, eyebrows, eyebrows. Eyebrows. Understand? Brow grooming is mayjah; it's like an instant face lift. A good waxing or threading can completely change your face, and I dare say your life! Make an appointment immediately (at a local spa, nail or hair salon)...and go every two weeks thereafter.
As for makeup, a fresh-faced teen like yourself shouldn't need much. I would stick with the trinity: mascara, blush and lip gloss. Make an appointment at a MAC counter and tell them you want a natural, everyday look. Don't feel obligated to buy anything (unless you'd like to), you're just getting a tutorial on what colors look best on your skin. You can then take what you've learned, go to your local CVS and pick up similar shades for less.
My love, this is just the very tip of the iceberg; Fabulosity 101 if you will. Higher level courses include Walking in Heels (practice, practice, practice!), Keeping Fit (put the taco down), and Accessories are Everything (jewelry, shoes and bags, oh my!). But for your purposes, it's all about taking the necessary baby steps. Be patient with yourself and you'll be a fab chick before you know it! Good luck, buttercup, and do let me know how it turns out.
To all the delovely inawordfab readers out there, feel free to leave a comment if you have some advice for my sweetums, Janelle! And if you have a dilemma only a gay man could solve, hit up the diva, Elle, with your questions and I'll be sure to get right back.
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