Sufferin succotash sweet peach, where did the time go? It's February 1st and the start of other Fall Fashion Week! Woo hoo! And lean wit it, and rock wit it, and pop wit it, and loc wit it...okay I'm a little too excited. But even on a wet and rainy day like today, the start of Fall Fashion Week in NYC can only mean one thing...Spring is right around the corner!

Before I sign off for the weekend (Elle got bidness to attend to), I must give a little inaword...fab love to Kerry Washington, who was super smartly dressed at the Obama/Clinton one-on-one debate last night in Hollywood. She's both sophisticated and sexy in that fabulously fitted suit. Gorgeous!

And one more question, who is this fierce Asian woman in head to toe Marc Jacobs? Oh Kim, you're such a delightful mess and this is why I can't help but love you.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Stay devastatingly fab,