The next day...heading to the mountain in my ski bunny wear

Later that night...loving my LBD
The theme of the night: uniforms!

The fabulous Rayceen

It's the last night and I'm working the Black and White theme

The legendary Miss Patti was AMAZING! In true dramatic form, I cried the entire time.
She was working the Christian Louboutin's...and you know she kicked these bad boys off!
Some of my faves....
It's a love fest
Posing with cutie pie and Winter Explosion Executive Producer, Don eL Johnson
Mkay, I'm done.
Travel chic, darling...see you next year!
I can't even explain what a fantastic time was had by all. I gave and recieved so much love and positive energy...I feel fabulously fearless!
Source - me and my digital cam
If for any reason you'd like a picture removed, contact Elle at inawordfab@gmail.com