Darling Gwyneth is in bloom on the cover of V Mag's summer issue. Nobody better never say nothing bad about my Gwynnie. Here she is in some great editorial shots by Mario Sorrenti.

Gwyneth on fashion: "I’m always interested in fashion,” she says. “It’s part of who I am and how I express myself.” So, what’s in her closet? “Well, today I’m wearing a Balenciaga jacket, a Rick Owens T-shirt dress, and Lanvin flat boots that I’ve basically worn every day this winter. I wear a lot of Balenciaga. I find it really chic and easy to wear. I’ve gotten really into Sonia Rykiel lately, so I might wear a pair of jeans with a blazer by her. And I have my school-run uniform: leggings with boots and a sweater dress, or a long T-shirt and long cardigan.”