As any faithful ANTM watcher knows, Tyra is good for demonstrating the art of "smiling with your eyes." Little did we know that Ty Ty actually has 275 smiles in her repertoire that she can demonstrate on command. I sense Botox in her immediate future.
Via NY Times Mag:
Tyra Banks has 275 smiles. Like a star athlete who has perfected a jump shot or a curveball, Banks has studied, honed and mastered the smile. In her arsenal are the “surprise smile,” the “angry but still smiling” smile, the “flirting with boyfriend” smile and the “commercial” smile, which, like the rest of Tyra’s smiles, was designed and perfected when Banks, who is now 34, began modeling at 15. From the start of her career, when she was virtually plucked from an all-girl Catholic high school in Los Angeles and whisked off to Paris, to her days as a mass-market first-name-only supermodel strutting the catwalk in her underwear for Victoria’s Secret, Banks always treated modeling as a kind of beautiful science. Then, and now, the smiles were her secret weapons: they could compel, manipulate, seduce. Banks did not become a model to be a muse to designers or because she loved fashion. Modeling — and smiling — was a skill that could, if engineered and managed carefully, change the course of your life.
“Smiles come naturally to me, but I started thinking of them as an art form at my command,” Banks told me. “I studied all the time. I looked at magazines, I’d practice in front of the mirror and I’d ask photographers about the best angles. I can now pull out a smile at will.” Banks, who was wearing wide-leg jeans and a belted khaki trench coat that accentuated her height and her curves, demonstrated her most famous smile, the “smile with eyes.” Her catlike green eyes narrowed and began to sparkle and her lips slowly parted to reveal a row of perfect teeth. The smile was a little masklike and yet accessible. “Do you see?” she said, while still smiling. “You can try it, too.”

This sounds like pure entertainment. I wish I could keep her as my pet. I'd love her and dress her up and brush her hair, and just when she was drifting off to sleep, I'd yell "CRAZY CLOWN SMILE!" and she'd jump up and smile her crazy clown smile and we'd laugh and then I'd give her a treat.
P.S. Would you look at Ms. Jay? Him and his shenanigans are the only thing that keeps me watching cycle after endless cycle of ANTM.

You can read the rest of the article, here.