RuPaul had this to say, "Tell Tyra that the Queen has returned, and while you're at it have Heidi clear the runway. I'm going to pump some 'realness' into reality. To be a winner on this show the contestants need to be a fashion designer, an American Idol, and a top model all rolled up into one. And they definitely have to be smarter than a fifth grader."
Okay let me get this straight: RuPaul, plus drag queens and their BFF's battling it out for the title? I am literally breathless with anticipation. Seriously, this is like my Superbowl. Not to be missed.
Want your drag dreams to come true? One contestant can earn a spot on the series by signing up on the show's site. Online votes determine the winner. Only the fierce need apply. Please click yourself over to Logo Online to check out all the divaliciousness and vote for your fave.