Seriously, someone give this girl a medal. If she didn't do it before, Rihanna has completely and totally stolen my heart with this photo shoot for Elle. First of all, the styling is amazing so that helps. But more importantly, the range of her posing, the different faces she is giving and how she is working her angles gives what looks to be a simple shoot that fierce factor that I love. Well played, Ri Ri!

Now it's time to work! Try out different things. Hands on hips. Swivel your waist. Turn in your knees. Angle your neck left, then right. Give a mean mug and look hard. Now smile and flirt with your eyes. Turn your back and look over your shoulder. Try a couture pose or something from a fashion mag. Lie on the floor and arch your back. Have fun with it! The more drama, the better...who knows what you'll come up with? What looks best? What looks forced? You won't know until you try! Then, the next time someone whips out their digi cam, you'll be ready for your closeup!
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