Looking damn good, Lance! (I spy a slight case of gay face, but we won't dwell.) - Yeah I Said It, And What?
Christian Siriano S/S '09 runway snaps - Abaca Press
It's inevitable that someone will take a tumble during Fashion Week, and Abby Lee Kershaw took the honors this season. Watch the video and just try not to giggle. - Style File
Good news: there were fewer bones and more breasts at Fashion Week - CNN
Angela and Vanessa Simmons dish about personal style and Pastry - Genuine Imitation

All the fall booties your feet can handle - Piperlime
One of my fave Project Runway alums, Laura Bennett, is here to solve your fashion dilemmas - iVillage
Angela and Vanessa Simmons dish about personal style and Pastry - Genuine Imitation
Dinner and a movie this weekend? Will you go see The Family that Preys? Or The Women?