Soooo, did Fashion Rocks rock your world? Personally, I was waiting for a performance on par with Mary J. and Usher, who KILLED it last year, but alas, it wasn't to be. I was entertained for the most part (Thank God for the fast forward button) and it was such fun gawking at all the fashion hits and misses...let's rezshujsh shall we?
Lil Miss Good Girl Turned Bad opened the show, and although she looked as gorgeous as usual, the performance was kind of a snore. I mean, I've done better vogues drunk in a gay club on a Saturday night.

CHARLIZE! With every beat of my heart and bat of my falsies, I live and breathe for Ms. Theron. She is always sooo devastatingly chic and glamorous. Shall we count the ways? 1) Chunky statement necklace, 2) Opened-toed booties, 3) Skin-tight leggings, 4) Shiny all over. Check, check, check, and check.
Can we tawk about Beyonce as Etta? Did you love it or hate it? I have a feeling there are strong opinions on either side. I personally thought she looked absolutely fabulous in her perfectly vintage dress and amaaaazing emerald earrings.

Her 70's fish-scaled one-piece on the other hand? Ummm...I really loved the top of it, especially the plunging V and puffed-up shoulders. The bell bottoms were a bit much for me, definitely something only Beyonce could pull that off. In positive news, wasn't it refreshing how natural and toned down her makeup and hair were?

I've decided that Fergie looks like a Muppet. That's all.

Mary J. looked FAN-tastic during performance! She is good for some leggings and some thigh- highs, isn't she? The cream looked great on her, her hair is the right color, she just betta work.

Her red carpet look? Meh.

You know how Posh Becks is all about "That Extra Half an Inch?" Well for Mimi-la, it's all about that extra half a dress! It worked wonders! She actually looks like a grown up lady for once in life. Shout out to whoever snatched the scissors from her hand when she tried to turn this dress into booty shorts.

Solange the Hedgehog continued her reign of terror as "Celebrity Sister Most Likely to Inspire a 'Why Lord?'" on the red carpet.
