Eight million children not in school, says Aja-Nwachuckwu
The Federal Government said yesterday that a total number of eight million children who have reached the primary school age are not in school, while about 60 percent are not attending secondary school, particularly amongst girl children in the northern states of the country. MORE>>>
CSUB professor to teach in West Africa
A California State University, Bakersfield, communications professor has been accepted into the Fulbright Scholar Program for lecturing and research in Nigeria, West Africa. MORE>>>
Police declare labour leader wanted over exam fraud
ENUGU—POLICE detectives are now on the trail of a trade unionist said to be on the run in connection with his alleged involvement in examination malpractices during last Saturday’s Direct Entry Screening Test conducted by the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN). MORE>>>
Church continues reaching out after 24 years
After 24 years of continued growth and success, some organizations would be satisfied to rest on their laurels, to continue following a tried and true formula. But Gilroy's South Valley Community Church practices quite the opposite philosophy. MORE>>>
The Nigerian Rave in Germany
“I got sacked once and restated after the Supreme Court ruled in my favour. Despite the fact that I came out tops in a stiffly contested interview in the German police in 1989, I have had to fight several battles these past 27 years to retain my employment,” says Mr. Grey Okute MORE>>>