Former Ugandan Beauty Queen was the first Ugandan model to have cleared the hurdle up to the Boot Camp two years ago in M-Net's Face of Africa Contest. The pick from Uganda in this year's contest which was held on September 6 is yet to be announced. So far three models --
Totwana 'Tito' Tema, Albertina Shigwedha and Maria Hiwilepo -- have been selected for the finale of the new season's show which will be held in Sun City, South Africa on November 29.
The scouting team's next stop will be in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on September 16, followed by Lagos, Nigeria September 20; Accra, Ghana September 23; Maputo, Mozambique, September 27; Lusaka, Zambia, October 1; Johannesburg, South Africa, October 4; and Luanda, Angola, October 7 before the booth camp and final showdown.
Go Africa!
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