Three ounces of Gordon's gin, one ounce of vodka, half-ounce of Lillet Blanc. Shake over ice and add a slim slice of lemon peel.

Mojito (Die Another Day)
Three sprigs of fresh mint, two tablespoons of sugar, three tablespoons of fresh lime juice, 1.5-ounces of light rum and club soda.

Rum Collins (Thunderball)
Two ounces light rum, a juiced lime, a tablespoon of powdered sugar, carbonated water, a sliced lemon and a cherry.
Two ounces light rum, a juiced lime, a tablespoon of powdered sugar, carbonated water, a sliced lemon and a cherry.
Four fresh sprigs of mint, 2.5-ounces of bourbon whiskey, one tablespoon of powdered sugar and two tablespoons of water. As Bond says in the film: Sour mash, but not too sweet, please.

Gluhwein (For Your Eyes Only)
The Swedish form of mulled wine, made with a mixture of spices and served warm.
The Swedish form of mulled wine, made with a mixture of spices and served warm.

Spicy Bloody Mary (Never Say Never Again)
As ordered by Bond's romantic interest: Double Bloody Mary with plenty of Worcestershire sauce. 1.5-ounces of vodka, three ounces of tomato juice, one dash of lemon juice, a half teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce, two to three drops of Tabasco sauce, and one lime wedge.
As ordered by Bond's romantic interest: Double Bloody Mary with plenty of Worcestershire sauce. 1.5-ounces of vodka, three ounces of tomato juice, one dash of lemon juice, a half teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce, two to three drops of Tabasco sauce, and one lime wedge.