Ummmm...has anyone seen my motivation? Seriously, the change in seasons has me in straight hibernation mode. All I want to do these days is lie on my couch, watch trash television and snack my life away. Fabulous parties, fashion events and free cocktails...meh. The very things that just a few weeks ago had me out and about constantly are so not providing the same incentive. And I'm actually okay with that. I know the wild child/party girl in me is just taking a disco nap, and will be back in full swing momentarily. In the meantime, I'm enjoying a much needed TV timeout. There's some really good/really bad TV on! Here's a few things that keep me glued to my tube...

The Way It Is: Season 3, chile! Keyshia with her new veneers, Neffe with her new baby and Frankie with her same ol' crackish tendencies...damn all of you! The wig changes on this show alone keep me in stitches. Hollah!

I am so ashamed but
Maury is one of the guiltiest pleasures of all time. When I can catch a paternity or lie detector episode, my day has officially been made.

If you're not watching
The Real Housewives of Atlanta, seriously, what are you doing with your spare time? These bishes are a hilarious mess. Team NeNe! BUT, to provide full disclosure, when I took the
Which Housewife Are You? test, I was Sheree! Please excuse my classy.
Top Chef is back! Competitive drama and droolworthy food equals quality television in my book! So far, Carla is my fave. She has a quirky personality and she depends on her spirit guides to tell her what to cook. I love it. And is that an animal print skinny belt over the chef's jacket? Fierce.

Omg am I the only one watching
20/20 on WE? Probably, but I am always down for some salacious investigative reporting and true-crime stories. And my girl, Deborah Roberts, is the host! She has this look she gives people she's interviewing that's a mix of pity, compassion and "What da hell were you thinking?"

And this weekend, Miss B is the musical guest on
Saturday Night Live!!!! Live performances of "If I Were a Boy" and "Single Ladies" means I will be there with bells on. I'm still on the lookout for a mechanical glove of my own. Can't wait!
Sooo, what shows are on your must watch list?