Your feel about Asian Gourmet
The internet has allowed for the dissemination of stupidity at a rate greater than anyone could have imagined. Witness how everybody is ranting about Asians talking on the cellphones in the library but touching on subjects as questionably diverse as the closeness of Asian families and the recent tsunami in Japan got more than a million hit on You Tube and tons of news coverage. The video also hit on another internet age phenomenon: the parody response video. Hundreds of people, students and otherwise posted their own take on the original rant, whether in the form of straightforward satire or dubstep remix. Continuing to fight racism with humor is Ching Chong Ling Long Gourmet Takeout, a Chinese food delivery service formed by the partnership of the Palace Restaurant in Brentwood and the students behind UCLA Munchies.
On Farmers Market
If a farmers market is worth its salt, there are several excellent growers of stone fruits to choose from. And thanks to the variability of geography with its myriad micro-climates, one storm or even bad winter doesn't cause a complete wipe out. A couple of my favorites include Bukart Organics, which has had white peaches and yellow nectarines for sometime now and K&K Farms, which has an excellent selection of apricots and plum crosses along with many varieties of white and yellow peaches throughout the summer.
On Mexican Names
I know many Mexican names translates to English: Juan is John, Pablo is Paul, Miguel is Michael and so on and so forth. Mexican names seem rooted in the Bible in general (everybody knows a Mexican named Jesus with a best buddy named Gabriel, right?) My name is Adam and I don't know what the Mexican version of Adam is. I think there isn't one. Every time I order at a restaurant and the cashier is Mexican and they ask my name, I check the receipt and it's wrong. They have a hard time pronouncing it too. I've got receipts back before with Alamo, Adamu, Aman, Asham, Ashara, AAwarm Alada. (Laughter) Mexicans seem devoutly religious. Do they not read Genesis, or is there a Mexicano version of Adam and Eve with different names? (Laughter).
On Prostitution in da Hood
As reported, prostitution is immoral. But think about it, the lack of shelter and counseling for prostitutes -- while prohibitions take in millions in government funding -- is only one indication of the worldwide campaign of hostility directed at prostitutes. In Canada and Holland prostitution is legal. But under Canadian law, sex workers are not allowed the safety of brothel or a bodyguard or a verification system that would give their whereabouts (for matters of safety).
On filmmakers, screenwriters, writers, etc.
Why would a young filmmaker want to take advice from former sketch comics-turned screen writers who readily admit some of their movies -- Taxi, Herbie -- are pieces of shit? Aside from the obvious chapters on writing and pitching -- writing while drunk (encouraged), pitching with a hangover (discouraged) beats the hell out of me looking at all the do it right goes.