Soon you will begin to kneel for the blood of innocent people that is now on your head.
What else am I thinking? Ok, I got it. Yes, The Ambrose Ehirim Files website will soon be popping up and it's going to be a whole lot of goodies, I mean everything practical from sports to comedy and from politics to religion. Also, from Hollywood to Nollywood, we will bring it all to you in your face. That's some good signs that we are not backing up from cyber space. And, on the ground, a news magazine will soon be on the news stands which also will adrress a whole lot in our endeavors, and as usual, politics and all the strange bedfellows that comes along with it.
Talking about websites and creating one, and becoming a web designer, and knowing all the nuts and bolts necessary in popping it up like any regular one out there, and not Mickey Mouse, I have learned some tecniques I did not know I had already known. And the technique is just simple because by the time I hired a web consultant to start out a plan to put all these I'm not mentioning it together, the gist and breakdown had me wondering. There are too many scams out there, believe it or not. But anyway, to cut this long story short, the whole thing has to do with some petty stuff. Stuff like SEO (search engine optimization), MODBC (Management of online business campaigns), KR (keyword research), hosting, redirects, error pages, use of java script and other website developments techniques. And the web consultant is killing me. T^hat's right, he is killing me.
You see why I'm now on my own to figure things all out just by myself?
The weekend wasn't bad at all. I had to hang out with jazz singer Rita Edmond for a minute and she "cannot wait" to see me pop up at her scheduled performance at the Seabird Jazz Lounge in Long Beach, California on March 14 to slam her "Sketches of a Dream" CD in your face. Some moments of cool jazz would not be bad at all and I know a whole lot of goodies will be smoking knowing Long Beach for its "coastal flames."
What's going on with these WOWOWOW women? Why are women running the show in every corner that one pops up? See how women on the web can change all that? Don't get me wrong. I think it's a good stuff on many grounds. Women make good managers. Women can endure. Women brought "badass" guys like me into this world. So why shouldn't we be thankful and grateful to all that they have done for us? So the women at WOWOWOW keep shooting it straight gurls and I have just begun to like your style. Check the WOWOWOW out and see how these women are busy gossipping. Just kidding!
What else happened? Okay, I was at Lola's in Hollywood then popped up for some jam sessions at Leirmert Park to watch Najite and his crew beat the drums. Najite was the Chief Priest Fela Kuti's showman back in the day at the Shrine when the wee hours was like day. And the jam at the "Black Township" grooved until dark.
Besides that, nothing much happened save for it's a new week in a Spring forward and you know what that is. Now, I'm done with checking my instincts.