We still weren't quite ready to head inside, so instead we ran into these two beauties. Like the makeup? Make-up artist, Lauren Knuckles (right), does her thing.
She was rocking a great mini dress and a great smile to go with it!
I was sooo happy to see Miss Martha Banks because the last time I took her pic, we were at a Remy party and let's just say I was a little to spirited to focus. Got her this time!
One look at her and I stopped in my tracks. Bratz doll beautiful, totally over the top and loving it.

Hello my loves! I love meeting up with my darling Matthew and his fab friend Troy. Fun times unlimited. Loving Troy's necklace and Matthew's shirt/tie/vest combo.
The next thing you know, someone yells, "In A Word Fab! In A Word Fab! Jersey represent!" And it is none other than the unmistakable Andre J! How sweet is it that he remembered us meeting at a fashion show a few months back?
It was a love fest! Miss Honey was working his Beyonce!
Sooo cute and nice and poured a mean cocktail. Luh you boo!
So after leaving Andre to his public, we mixed and mingled and came upon Laurieann "Boom Kack, For Your Life!" Gibson. Like the diva she is, she went straight into the couture pose for me. Work, b*tch. I am so damn happy she is back on Making the Band!
She took the Egyptian theme very very seriously. Cleopatra 3000! And she is serving you multiple looks honey, please take note.

Her sparkly BCBG Max Azria backless dress was absolutely glam. Sophisticated and yet young and fun enough for a night out.

The camera came out and he was ready. The pose is effortless, darling.
I had to grab these ladies on their way out. Really beautiful and in great little party dresses.
It's David! One of my faves on the party scene, he knows now that I simply must snap his pic everytime. His wideleg jeans were wondrous.
Brazilian Lifestyle Consultant Paulo Pascoal is such a cutie...I ran into him again a few days later at a cute little rooftop party.
Okay so finally the honored guests begin to arrive. It's country-ass cutie Will from Day 26! Hey boo! And just so you guys know, I am way to delicate to try to fight with other photogs for prime positioning, so ready yourself for some guerrilla red carpet shots.
Um, Cheri Dennis, what da hell are you calling that hair color? And why did you ruin a perfectly nice decolletage with that horrible horrible tattoo? I need answers!

The birthday girl has arrived! Her hair, however, was left behind somewhere. In random news, her comic book hits stores September 29.

Is it me or did my regular schmegular folks look better than anyone on the red carpet? I'm just saying. Here are some more cute girls with great style (loving the fro).

If you're going to do a turban, THIS is how it's done.

Devon Christopher, CEO & Publisher of the premiere gay men's lifestyle mag, Bleu Magazine, was in the building and looking all kinds of cute.

These girls are definitely not wallflowers! Gotta love that.
Fashion designer, Marco Hall, arrived in his signature booby-baring regalia. Fierce. His collections are so beautiful; full of flowy colorful prints that make you want to move!

Hey! It's Will.i.am! I wasn't sure how he'd react, but he was totally cool when we approached and even stopped to take a pic. Tell Fergie to tell Josh Duhamel to call me!
Thanks Ra-Fael and all who are pictured!