My girl Laverne, who should really be on someone's soap opera, is totally to blame for my new catchphrase of the moment, "I am shocked and Rupauled...," which just doesn't get old. We also learned this week that she likes to dry her tears with chocolate, so I feel a certain kinship.

Speaking of Rupaul, the granddaddy (yeah I said it) of all drag queens made a fierce (but gaunt-faced) appearance as runway judge on PR last night! I liiiived for those queens, darling.

Farrah Moans
Question: where are all the black girls? Luckily, there were a few Latinas in the mix to represent the mino population. But still, where is Laverne when you need her?

And speaking of queens, a huge how u doin goes out to the Queen of all Media, Wendy Williams, on being reupped for a full season of "Feel it feel it feel it, oooowp oooowp, shout it out!" We all know how I love me some Miss Wendy, but watching her show yesterday, I found myself staring in amazement. Dude really does look like a lady. I don't know if it was yesterday's wig du jour or what, but she seriously skates the line between gorgeously over-the-top Amazon and totally drag-alicious, and this day it was definitely more drag than -licious. Either way, she's ready for her closeup! Wendy, girl, you better work.