Aroma Cafe is the NYC hot spot for Mac toting, Wayfarers wearing, lower Manhattanites with an upper Manhattan attitude. I once encountered a woman in white Balenciaga capris buying a BLT and a small coffee for $11.50, so you can imagine the scene surrounding us as I sat in a booth across from Bim Star, CEO of Aremu Premiere Clothing.

His colorful vest, electric blue t-shirt and matching blue sneakers in this environment were a reflection of his line; urban flash in a couture cut. Bim Star, a nickname given from his years as an All-Star basketball player, did not always want to be a fashion designer. However, after what he calls an "amazing" experience working for Ralph Lauren, he decided to branch off and begin a line of urban wear that would break boundaries with new tailoring techniques and a blend of styles from all over the world.

An example of this is the Rich Boy hoodie, a jacket tailored perfectly to his clients that embodies the vibe of a snooty upper class schoolboy while staying true to the urban trend and still screaming with individuality. Individuality is something Bim holds dear, as you can see in the name of his line: Aremu, which is very different from urban lines like Sean John, G-Unit, Phat Farm, etc. Not wanting to be like any other, he dismissed his original name, "Tricked Out," for something that better fits the vision of the line. Aremu is one of the eight names he holds on his birth certificate. But what made him choose it was not because it was his namesake but because it's hard to pronounce, "I want people to ask, what? How do you pronounce this?"

The Aremu team, consisting of Rob 911, Joe Smooth, Remo, Super Black, and models Lady Nubia, Ms. Chels and Alan, all believe that this new approach to couture clothing is just what the industry needs. With only 2 years under its belt, the line already has a celebrity following including hip-hop artist MIMS, who was responsible for last year's summer hit, "This Is Why I'm Hot." After saying to Bim Star, "I thought you were gonna bring me some bullshit and when I saw it I was like damn you got some talent," MIMS now constantly wears Aremu Rocks tees and is the proud owner of a one of a kind Rich Boy sleeveless hoodie. With such a unique style to the line, you must wonder where the creative genius behind the look draws inspiration. "Life. Looking at people. Different cultures, music, art, trees… I stopped using ipods and playing games on the train because then you can soak up so much more." He adds that there are songs that he listens to while he works that pumps him up and allows him added inspiration, especially electronica and lounge, but points to Genesis by Justice Cross, up and coming R&B artist, Hennessy and MIMS as favorites right now.

Bim Star doesn't have a favorite piece in his collection, mostly due to each piece having its own character. However, he does have plenty of goals for the line. Short term, he'd like to have a successful brand launch with a flagship store on the East or West coast and of course, 100% customer satisfaction. Long term: a runway launch. And in true Aremu fashion, he'd like to put his own personal spin on what a fashion show should be in the next 2 years. Like, for example, using a rooftop and polar bears. Yup, POLAR BEARS.

LAST WORDS:"First and foremost check out the myspace,
www.myspace.com/bimstar. To our future clients: we are and will be continuously working towards keeping our pieces innovative for you guys. We are working toward the launch and website before years end and a party with free swag for regular people. We definitely appreciate the love, support, and encouragement; it keeps us inspired. We're just looking for Aremu Premiere to be the bar for urban couture fashion." With his final words said, it was time to have some fun; here are some questions that give you a little more of Bim Star, beyond the clothing line.

1. Nike or Adidas: Nike
2. Xbox or Wii: Wii
3. Favorite Movie: Great Expectations. Look it up!
4. Movie you can't wait to see: The Dark Knight. That role, the Joker, it's so evil, I think it drove him insane.
5. Celeb Crush: Ms. Alicia Keys
6. iPhone or Blackberry: Blackberry... iPhone is a great toy but Blackberry is business.
7. Mac or PC: Microsoft sucks; Vista is horrible. MAC! Thank You STEVE JOBS!
9. Style Idol: Let's not be cocky...myself! But I would pick Jay-Z, Pharrell, Rihanna...she's just not afraid and stands out as an individual.
10. London or Milan: Milan because I'm scared of nature so I would force myself to go and get in the water...even though I hate water!

-Nastasia Thompson for inawordfab.com