My goodness just reading your email has me stressed! No worries, events on a budget are a breeze if you stick to the designer lines at low-end stores. In this instance, let's make your life easy by doing one stop shopping at one my favorites, Target!
Isaac Mizrahi for Target Taffeta Camelot Dress $49.99

Isaac Mizrahi for Target Sateen Pencil Dress $39.99

Isaac Mizrahi for Target Short Silk Cowl Neck Dress $69.99
On the other hand, if you'd rather go a tad more conservative, try this short and silky LBD with a classic cowl neckline. Make it sparkle with gold or silver earrings, bangles and a nice heel.

Isaac Mizrahi for Target Strapless Sheath Dress $89.99
Now for the gala, I absolutely love this column dress that features the most gorgeous bow in the back. And the price? Amazing! You really can't go wrong with black and white. Add a healthly does of diamonds/CZs and you'll be the belle of that ball!
Darling M, do let me know how it all turns out. And congrats on your wedding! I'm wishing you a lifetime of lasting love, hot sex and a whole lot of happiness!
Double kisses, Elle