Hey Elle!
i found your blog on the net..its great!!! I was wondering if you knew where i could purchase some of those harem pants online...or the mc hammer pants that cheap monday makes....if you know please please write back!!
Thanks, and again great blog
Hi Shaana-luv!
You're clearly a fashion risktaker and a brave girl...I love that about you! We first discussed the craze of the genie pants in last month's TrendWatch, and suprisingly, many people have expressed interest in grabbing a pair. I would start at ASOS.com, which always supplies the most on trend finds on the net. Take a looksee...

ASOS Jersey Harem Drawstring Trousers $38.93
ASOS Jersey Harem Twist Cuff Trousers $43.26

ASOS Lurex All In One Harem Sale price $34.61

The Crop Mahdia Harem Pants By Triple 5 Soul Sale Price: $46.95
I'm totally into the three above but I think this last pair is an example of what NOT to wear. Ew.
Good luck, girl!
xo, Elle