...right next to Peter Pan. Cuz b*tch don't want to grow old! In case you were wondering, Mariah Carey is STILL dressing like this. At damn near 40. In 2008. I can't. I still hold on to the hope that one day, she will wake up, put on a proper dress and repent for all of her sins against fashion. But alas, not this day. I hate everything about her look...except the bangles. She can keep those.
Seriously though, who wears tied-up belly shirts any more? And with a three-tone mini? I even hate her in those sunglasses. And I wish she would do something new with her hair already. It's doing nothing for her face (she's got great cheekbones). Everything about her look says immature and insecure. Grow up, girl! Forty ain't the new 20, Mariah, it's the same old 40!