Elle and Sandra from Kimora: Life in the Fab LaneKisses crumbcakes! Your girl, Elle is back with another
Out About Town post, now with double the fabulosity! So last week, we attended KLS' launch for her new JC Penney line, Fabulosity, and it was beyond, darling! I don't know if you've read other blogs that reported on the party, but "sources" (aka haters) gave inexplicable accounts about what a mess the event was. Honey, I truly don't know what party they attended. This event was pure glamour and pure fun. And what else would you expect from the forever fabulous Kimora?
So we walk into
Hiro in the Maritime Hotel (my favorite building in New York) and the first person we saw when we walked in the door was Kimora's right hand woman, Sandra (pictured above). Sooo sweet and how cute is she? I wonder if Kimora gave her that Louis from her collection? There has to be some perks to working
thisclose to one of the largest collections of Louis Vuitton around!
Hip hop artist M Bars made a fashionable appearance with a gorgeous woman on his arm: his mom!
Looove me some David! You know it's a party when he's there.
The party dresses Jeanette and Mairie had on were so fresh and fun, just like they were!

Snap for the kids! I saw him and his stars outside and knew I had to get a pic. The pose did not disappoint! Effin fab.
Ms. Rosemary of
Rosemary Ponzo Designs was killing me softly with her hat...fierceness unlimited.
I had to get a pic of darling lil Drew Fiedler, of
MyItThings.com and his fab friends. He is working the camera!

I'm sorry. Can we take a quick timeout to talk about the noshes? Yum to the yum! You know a party is good when there are lambchops.
Fashion stylist Jennifer Glover rocked an eyecatching feather barrette and a sweet smile.
These ladies were so cute! They embrace a time honored tradition between good girlfriends...sharing clothes!
Hey! It's
Giant Editor-in-Chief, Emil Wilbekin! He's so great. Luh you boo!
Okay who watches
Wendy? Everybody sing! "Hoooow yaaaa'll doin? Shout it out!"
I don't know what he's calling this look but I love it. Hey boo!
Lovely ladies who lunch.

Yay! Out came the diva to introduce her line like a proud mother.

Then came the marching band/step team to get the crowd hyped.

Let the show commence! KLS stayed true to her urban sportswear roots with a line of trendy jeans, tops, jumpsuits and dresses. A lot of it was really quite cute. I will definitely be taking a closer inspection instore.
Fabulosity indeed.
Thanks to all who are pictured!