Daddy Knowles, get People on the horn immeeejetly! This should not be the first picture to greet visitors of People.com! First of all, this photographer should be shot. Both Solange and Miss B are gorgeous girls, yet here are looking so intensely harsh in the face. Was this the very last picture of the night? Cuz a little sweat can apparently hurt somebody. Just wow. If I hadn't seen the long shot of Solange on Concrete Loop, this would have been a total TTM alert. You know, tragic tranny mess. All that was needed was about 5 good feet, and look at the difference...

See, now she looks like a 22 year old. I feel better.
P.S. I hate rosettes. They give me a bad one. I think this ruined them for me, forever. That and Angela from Project Runway Season 3. Just no.